Rory Broadshield

Lord Warden, Rory Broadshield

Rory Broadshield, a 188-year-old Redfist Dwarf, is the Warden of Rolar. He has decades of experience leading soldiers and civilians alike. He was hand-picked to be Warden of Rolar by the Lord High Regent Donnas Rivers because of his experience and because of the importance placed by Cobal on the success of the Redfist communities within the Ward and the mines they are operating. Rory was instrumental in the defeat of Hekmo’s invasion of Cobal almost 20 years prior, and he has proven himself a more than capable Warden since then. Warden Rory is very involved in the training and equipping of the various companies and regiments that are garrisoned in the Ward and knows all the officers and many of the troops and soldiers by name. If there is a question about the defense of the Ward, there is no one better able to answer it than him.   As Warden, Rory has a residence in both the Town of Redstone and the Town of Dunhill that he utilizes whenever he is working in the respective settlements.  Both are official governmental buildings that not only provide him with lodgings but also house the local Town Watch and both have a series of secure cells capable of holding as many as 15 prisoners, should the need ever arise.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Broad, strong, fond of wrestling and throwing competitions

Facial Features

Reddish brown hair worn in two long braids and a top knot.  Long red beard.

Special abilities

Exceptionally gifted at logistics and planning, takes great interest in the training of the soldiers of the Ward and defense in general.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rory was born in the City of Thorahl in Aria, the home of Clan Blackbeard.  He served for 40 years with the Thorahl Legions as both a Legionary and a Company Captain and made a lasting name for himself there.  When a large contingent of Redfist Dwarves moved from Thorahl to Cobal, Rory signed on with them as a Captain of Guards.   In the more than 100 years since then, he has dedicated his life and efforts to building and protecting the Kingdom of Cobal in general, and the Ward of Rolar in particular.  He fought in the defense of the realm against the Hekmo invasion of 215 and won himself great honors.  In fact, his efforts were considered vital to the defense by the Lord High Regent, and it was this fact that moved the current Regent to name Rory Warden of Rolar.


40 years of exceptional service in the Thorahl Legions has taught Rory much about organization, logistics and training, and he is putting that education to good use on a daily basis in Rolar.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Given a lordship for his heroic service during the Helmo invasion.

Personality Characteristics


To help ensure the proper and efficient defense of the Ward and the Kingdom at all times.  There is the growing possibility of the establishment of a Redfist homeland in Cobal, and Rory has been very tight-lipped about how he views that possibility in light of his position as Warden.

Vices & Personality flaws

Prone to dismiss complaints by other Clans regarding current Redfist control of much of the Dwarven society of Rolar, especially from members of the Hardhelm Clan.



223 AF - Present

Contacts & Relations

Well-liked and much respected by his peers and lords.

Family Ties

The Broadshield family of the Clan Redfist is a large family with many connections both in Cobal and in Gorgomoth. Rory himself is well connected with the government and military of Thorahl, and has some past connections with the Earl Blackbeard himself.  Rory is also very closely connected with the Chief of the Redfist Clan, and receives routine correspondence from him.

Religious Views

A practitioner of the Dwarven worship of Ilmarinen.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Warden of Rolar, Lord of the Realm
Thorahl, Gorgomoth
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Speaks Caldarian, Dwarven, and Arian tongues fluently.
Ruled Locations