Silver Dragon

Silver Dragons are a large, highly intelligent species of Draconidae known as one of the greatest of the metallic dragons.  They are very large four-legged winged dragons of immense power and majesty.  They are among the most social and communicative dragons in the world, renowned for their love and appreciation of all things "human".   These noble and majestic creatures are immense in size and strength, and are fully capable of incredible feats of destruction should the need arise, but they are very peaceful and gentle beings with a deep fascination with anything related to Humans.  They love Human food, culture, music, craftsmanship, and (above all) companionship.  Some individual Silver Dragons have developed deep and affectionate attachments to specific Humans that have spanned many generations, while others have "adopted" entire communities as their friends and allies for centuries at a time.

Basic Information


Very large four-legged and winged dragon, powerfully muscled with a broad, deep chest.  The neck and tail are slightly smaller proportionally to other metallic species, but the wings are larger and spread wider than any other breed of dragon, making them capable of flight at a much older age/heavier weight than any other dragon.  Their hides are a uniform silver-gray in color as are their armor scales and wings, while their claws and horns are a shiny, incredibly hard substance with a bright metallic sheen.

Biological Traits

Silver Dragons have the ability to expel a cone of paralytic gas that extends as far as 30' from its mouth.  This gas causes a total numbing of all sensation in those it touches that lasts as long as 24 hours.   Silver Dragons mate for life, with the slightly larger females remaining very close to the lair while raising young and the males doing the bulk of the providing and protecting. Silver Dragons are prone to develop deep and very close relationships with Humans, both as individuals and as larger communities. When a close bond is established, Silvers will establish a lair relatively close to the Human presence so frequent associations can be kept.

Genetics and Reproduction

Known to mate for life, producing two eggs at a time.  It is not known when a female Siver Dragon becomes fertile, and it is terribly impolite to ask, but it is known that as long as young dragons remain in the nest/lair, no new eggs are laid.  Eggs hatch in about 5 months, and are able to feed themselves in another 10 months.  Flight capable at the age of 2 years, and adult by the age of 4 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Known to live anywhere Humans live, but it is assumed they are able to live in much harsher environments than Humans typically live in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily carnivores, Silver Dragons are famous for genuinely enjoying all types of Human food, including vegetable and grain products as well as alcohol.  They are particularly fond of wine, although the do not seem to be effected by intoxication in the same manner that Humans are.


Silver Dragons are collectively fascinated with Humans.  They find the passion for life and the ability to adapt to almost any circumstance or situation to be most admirable and these traits are most often found Humans.  By extension and because of the cultural and biological similarities, Silver Dragons are also quite friendly to Halflings, especially in regards to food stuffs.   Silver Dragons, like all metallic dragons, keep and protect hoards.  The greatest difference between Silver hoards and other dragon types is that Silver Dragons are often willing (sometimes eager) to show off their hoards to interested parties.  These dragons have a passion for collecting and maintaining the best examples of Human culture and art.  Fine statues, paintings, jewelry, tapestries, clothes, books, tools... almost anything special or unique that is created by Humans is considered collectable to a Silver.

Additional Information


No Silver Dragon is ever going to be declared "domesticated", but many communities that have established a close relationship with Silvers are fiercely proud of the association and protect it jealously.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

As with all Draconidae, the entire creature is valuable beyond measure. However, as only the most evil or deplorable Human would ever consider violence towards a Silver Dragon, the only source of Silver Dragon parts are those freely given to Humans by the dragons themselves. Shed hides, broken or chipped claws, and dragon oil are all typically given freely by the dragons to their friends and allies on a regular basis.   The horns of a Silver Dragon are shed with the hide every two to three years, and these horns have significant value.  Used as a magical component in dozens of potions and elixirs, they are also a known ward against illness and disease, especially among humanoid races.  Claws have been fashioned into spear points that are particuarly deadly against other dragons, as they are (obviously) designed to pierce and tear dragon hides.   A Silver Dragon's oil is especially valuable, as when properly combined with other magical components creates a potion that has incredible regenerative properties.  Cut flesh can be mended back together almost instantly, and in many recorded instances, severed limbs have even been reattached successfully.  It has been speculated by experts that it is this property of the oil that allows the Silver Dragons to live as long as they do, but others feel it is the cooperative nature of the dragon's associations with Humans that allow creatures too large, old or heavy (or all of these) to adequately provide for themselves to depend on the assistance of nearby Humans to provide much of the dragon's needs in regards to food and protection.

Facial characteristics

Typical dragon features, with horns of a lusterous metallic nature.  Prone to expose their teeth frequently in dragon smiles, which to an unaccustomed viewer can be quite terrifying.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Known specimens found anywhere Humans reside.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, and capable of speaking all known Human tongues easily.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Excellent eyesight, incredible sense of smell, poor hearing

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

As with all Great Dragons, Silvers can and do speak the draconic language and have names known only to them and other dragons.  However, they delight in being named by their Human friends, and most examples are known by local monikers understood in the regional dialect of Humans.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Amazingly fond of Humans, and delighting in the association and friendship of them.  They love to sing, dance, recite poetry and epic stories.  They are immensely helpful to freindly Humans as Silver Dragons have long and very accurate memories and are incredibly intelligent.  Whenever a gift of a Silver's dragon oil is given to Humans, it is used as a powerful healing aid and can even help prolong life in general.

Common Taboos

Silver Dragons dislike violence, especially against Humans.  So much so that they will sometimes even refuse to defend an adopted Human community against other Humans that are attacking them.  Only when defending themselves or their young will a Silver ever resort to violence against Humans.
A particularly large female Silver Dragon from the mountains of the Junn Steppe, smiling and singing a greeting to a familiar troop of nomadic Humans.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draconidae Argenti Nobilis
Limited only by size, but known to live for many hundreds of years
Average Weight
15,000 lbs to 25,000 lbs, with males slightly smaller than females
Average Length
60' to 90' long
Average Physique
Immensely strong, shockingly fast when on the ground, and capable of flight at remarkable age/weight due to their natural strength.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A uniform steel or silver gray, with the only variation in coloration coming from healed wounds or scars, which display a darker color than normal.