Iron Dragon

Iron Dragons are a highly intelligent and very social species of Dragon primarily found in dry, arid mountains and deserts. Like all dragons, the never stop growing and older specimens can reach colossal size. They are a winged metallic dragon that is capable of flight untill they reach a certain age/size, at which point they can no longer manage to become or remain airborn. Iron Dragons have the ability to breathe fire, but to a much lesser degree than some of the other fire-breathing species. Iron Dragon fire is expelled in a thin stream from the mouth of the creature, and the fire quickly consumes itself. It is primarily used to cook the meat of prey and (very rarely) in self defense. They are thought to be exclusively carnivorous in their eating habits, but this has not been proven absolutely.   Iron Dragon Oil is an excretion that can be harvested from dead dragons by removing and pressing glands located in the creature's legs, tails and snouts. This oil, when properly stored and applied, will render any iron/steel object it is applied to an invulnerability to any corrosion (rust/staining/pitting), making it a very valuable and highly sought after commodity, given its rarity and the problematic means of aquiring it. This oil also has a scent that can be easily detected by other dragons (especially other Iron Dragons) and can cause a rapid and violent reaction when detected.   Iron Dragons are very social, and rigidly honest and forthright when interacting with any other intelligent creature. They love gaining and sharing new knowledge, and delight in the challenges of riddles, memory tests and thinking games.

Basic Information


Large winged metallic dragon, known to grow to immense size. Their hide is armored with hard shiny plates or scales and the skull, spine and tail are studded with sharp boney spikes. They have long black claws on feet and their teeth that can reach a length of 12".  Their wings are large and leathery with a single claw extending from the primary joint of the wing.  Their tails are heavy and muscular but not especially long.

Biological Traits

Iron Dragons can breathe fire, and employ this attack when hunting living prey.  The fire is expelled from their mouths as a stream of nearly liquid fire that burns very hot for a very short time.  Considered far less damaging than the breath of a Red Dragon (which can melt certain metals with ease), Iron Dragon fire is comparable to burning alcohol, as the flames burn themselves out quickly once expelled from the mouth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hatched from eggs laid in clutches of 2. Eggs hatch in 90 days, hatchlings able to feed themselves and fly in 10 months. Adults by 3 years of age. Will shed skin/hide every two to three years as they grow.

Growth Rate & Stages

As with all Dragons, Iron Dragons never stop growing.  With each molt they can add a yard to their overall length.

Ecology and Habitats

Found most often in rugged, dry mountains and deserts, but can occasionally be found in nearly any environment.  Known to travel great distances for unknown reasons.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores, capable of taking a Mastodon down with no trouble.  Iron dragons are very careful to keep their hunting and feeding habits out of the public eye.  Many recorded encounters with Iron Dragons have been investigated, but very few include any details about how, when or where the creatures hunt and consume their meals.

Biological Cycle

Not fully understood, but intelligence and wisdom seem to increase with age.


Like all noble dragons, Iron Dragons guard and maintain a hoard.  Iron Dragons are more likely to take great pride in their hoards and often invite others to admire or inspect their collected treasures.  Nearly all hoards are made up of an individual dragon's personal collection of aquired forms of knowledge.  Tomes, scrolls, maps, tablets, inscriptions, books and artwork are the centerpieces of an Iron Dragon hoard.  In addition to the accrued knowledge are incidental pieces of jewelry, art, treasure or extremely rare magical items that might have been given to the dragon as gifts or in exchange for specific pieces of knowledge.  Some have also been known to collect very rare and valuable material within their hoards, such as Dragon Oil, precious metals and elements, component material such as Yew Beard, Ambergris or Soul Stones.   Iron Dragons are known to travel extensively.  There are many known dragons that maintain a high degree of interaction with other non-draconic species, but will occasionally seal up their lair and disappear for extended periods of time, persumably to aquire new knowledge or items.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Exceptional eyesight, incredible sense of smell, very poor hearing.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

All Dragons have names in their native Draconic tongue, but none willingly share these names with non-dragons.  Most social dragons prefer to adopt names given to them during their lifetimes in languages understood by those they are interacting with.  Iron Dragons, because of their love of knowledge, have a preferrence for Gnomish-based names and titles.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Iron Dragons are some of the most social Dragons known.  They delight in gaining and sharing knowledge with others, even other species.  They are especially fond of game of wit, tests of knowledge and memory, and riddles.  They absolutely detest lies and blatant untruths, and consider secrets to be inherently bad.  Some that have maintained relationships with Iron Dragons have noted that the creatures can be brutally honest, with no ill intent ever considered.
A mature male Iron Dragon detailed from the mountains of northern Naru
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draconidae Ferrum Nobilis
Limited only by size
Average Weight
The average of known specimens is about 3,000 lbs
Average Length
30' to 45' nose to tip of tail
Average Physique
Terribly strong, quite fast and