Ebony Drake

Ebony Drakes are large, wingless Draconidae of legendary ferocity and violence. Capable of sprints of 30 miles per hour or more, they are incredibly apt ambush predators. They are also highly intelligent, far more so than many of the other wingless dragons. Capable of speech and highly proficient liars, these beasts are amongst the most dangerous dragons around.   Ebony Drakes are a dark gray to black in color, and are also called Coal Drakes, Gray Drakes, and Black Worms.  These Drakes are very intelligent, incredibly cunning and have an expansive memory.

Basic Information


Ebony Drakes are large, wingless, four-legged dragons that can reach lengths of more than 60' nose-to-tail and weigh as much as 9,000 lbs.  Immensely strong and remarkably fast for short distances, they are an apex ambush predator capable of taking down mammoths in less than one minute.

Biological Traits

Ebony Drakes have the abillity to expel a paralytic gas from their mouths that they use to immobilize their prey and make moving to meal to a feeding den that much easier (and quieter).  This paralytic breath is expelled in a cone of 15' from the dragon's mouth and has the effect of rendering the victim utterly unable to move or make a sound for no less than 24 hours.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ebony Drake are hatched from clutches of two to three eggs, and the mother raises the young dragons until they are two years old (or their first molt). These Drakes lay their clutch in the dead of winter, and the eggs hatch by spring.

Growth Rate & Stages

The young Drakes are about the size of a small dog, but are ready to leave the nest within four weeks of hatching. Ebony Drakes will molt for the first time after the age of 18-20 months, and again every two years after that, growing more than a foot with each passing year. Like all true dragons, Ebony Drakes do not stop growing and the older the get, the bigger they are.

Ecology and Habitats

Ebony Drakes are fond of sneaking into areas of pasture-based agriculture and quietly but routinely feasting on the bounty of the domesticated herds.  Goats, cattle, Sheep, horses and ponies are primary favorites of Ebony Drakes.  They are smart enough to maintain a very wide and expansive hunting territory so that their kills are not immediately seen as a threat to the local livelihood.  Prey is never consumed where it is killed, and is instead removed to remote and secluded feeding dens far from thebeast's actual lair.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Singularly focused on feasting on the bounty that is herd farming.  Very stealthy hunters, they maintain a very broad hunting territory and are quite selective in their prey, never taking too much from one local so as not to alarm the farmers and ranchers to their immediate presence.


Very solitary hunters, and they are only ever seen in groups when a mother dragon is hunting with her hatchlings.  On the rare occasions that an Ebony Drake is confronted for hunting herd animals, their first (and last) inclination is to lie and blame some other circumstance or event for the loss of the livestock.  Ebonies are prodgious liars and very good at it, and have on more than one occasion managed to lie their way out of outright combat and live to move on to fresh unting grounds somewhere else.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

As with all Draconidae, all portions of the beast are valuable and much-coveted.  The meat of the dragon is especially prized as a great and royal delicacy.  The Dragon Oil of an Ebony has the ability to mitigate and in many cases outright cure most forms of paralysis and as such is much sought after by healers, potioners, and surgeons.  The Order of the Swords of Heaven maintains a standing offer of 10 gold urcs per drachm, or 80 urcs per ounce for this very reason, with no questions asked, ever.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Able to exist almost anywhere, but with a known preferrence for agricultural areas and wide areas of pasture.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, and very capable liars when prompted.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Exceptionally keen eyesight and one of the sharpest senses of smell in nature. Rather poor hearing, however.
An Ebony Drake in southern Aria, drawn 61 years ago.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draconidae Vermis Hebenum
Limited only by size
Average Weight
4,000 to 5,500 lbs
Average Length
25' to 40' long
Average Physique
Very strong, very fast, and very, very stealthy.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark grey to black with no marked variation anywhere on their body.