Summer House

Summer House is an inn located in the largest summer encampment of the Junn Harr known as Letnii Gorod, or Summer City in Junnharic. It is one of only a handful of permanent structure located in the settlement, as the vast majority of dwellings are leather araks used by the Junn Harr as they push their herds through the expanse of the Junn Steppe.   Summer House itself is a small, three-story building of stone and timber in a walled yard. It offers meals, a few rooms, and a "stable" (actually a walled but roofless paddock with a spring-fed water trough).  It offers 11 rather small rooms with a total of 19 beds.  Another 10 people could sleep in the common room, should the need arise.  The stables can keep 8 horses, and in particularly bad weather, a leather tarp can be spread over a portion of the paddock for shelter for the steeds.   The House offers simple, hearty meals twice a day.  These are typically seasonal dishes, with lots of game, fish and mutton.  As good as the food might be, the real treasure of Summer House is Silver Wine.  This is a particularly potent ale that is the creation of the owner, Ternan Bencraig.  He has managed to concoct a brew of amazing flavor utilizing both malted barley and honey as the main ingredients.  The result is a sweet, crisp beer that has captured the hearts of everyone that has sampled it.  Silver Wine has become so popular that Ternan has been forced to build a second building behind the inn that houses the brewery just to keep up with the summertime demand for the brew.

Purpose / Function

A traditional-style inn catering to eastern travellers and merchants looking to do business and trade with the Junn Harr.


The Summer House is a three-story structure built of stone and timber.  The first floor of the structure is walled with thick, well-laid river stone nearly 4' thick.  Only two doors give access to the building, and there are very few, very small windows fitted with thick oak shutters.  The upper stories are timber-framed and covered in a hard, thick plaster.  The building is surrounded by a 5' tall and 3' thick stone wall, and the stable/paddock is a roofless area walled in with 8' tall walls and a 12' wide gated opening.
Summer House in Letnii Gorod
Parent Location
Characters in Location