Letnii Gorod

Letnii Gorod is the Junn name of the largest summer settlement of the Junn Harr people on the great steppe. It is located in the southern banks of the Silverwine River about 575 miles upstream from its mouth on the Eastern Sea. At this particular point on the river, there is a vast flat aluvial plain stretching for more than 6,000 square miles. This plain is covered through the summer months with thick, dense green grasses and wild flowers that are fed by countless small streams, brooks and rivers from the mountains and foothills to the south.   In the height of summer, the settlement can encompass a population of more than 30,000 Junn and three times that number of horses, cattle and camels. Most of the Junn living here at that time live in leather and wool araks.  There are only a handful of permanent stone structures at Letnii Gorod (pronounced let-nee gore-rod, and means Summer City in Junnharic) and all of them are located near the Silverwine River.  These are exclusively used by non-Junn traders and craftsman that do seasonal business with the wandering herdsman of the Junn Har.   Letnii Gorod is basically empty of residents from the end of August until the middle of June.  The flat, river-side plains of the area have an ample abundance of grasses for the herds of the Junn Har only for those few weeks in summer, and then the cold and frost pushes the Junn herders back south again.  During those summer weeks, the Junn Har barter and trade their stock for items found only in the north (mammoth hides and tusks, Giant Kraken hides, Dragon Oil, dried and salt fish, etc.) and much interaction and business is conducted within the culture, as well (marriage contracts, herd disputes, religious ceremonies, etc.).


Almost exclusively Junn Harr, with a handful of Colian traders and artisans and a very few Storm Giants looking to trade ivory and rare hides for meat sources.


Each family or tribe polices its own residents, and crime is a rare thing indeed. Junn Har hold hospitality close to sacred and do not tolerate unnecessary violence lightly.

Industry & Trade

There are as many as a dozen stone buildings at Letnii Gorod, all built by Colian traders and craftsman who are used to stone structures rather than leather araks. Among these are several smiths, bakers, smokehouses, a butcher and a single large three-story inn.


The city is a maze of packed-earth paths, roads and alleys surrounding stone foundations of araks that are the only permanent aspect of Junn Har habitation in the region.  When the Junn arrive and when they leave, the only thing there are these foundations and the cooking hearths assocaited with the araks.  There are numerous streams and small rivers providing fresh water, and latrines are located at very specific areas that can be buried or burned at the end of the summer season.

Points of interest

The only "traditional" inn within Letnii Gorod is the Summer House. It is a tall, narrow building standing on slight bluff looking over the fast-flowing Silverwine River banks. There are 11 rooms there, a large and well-appointed kitchen and a rather famous brewer named Ternan Bencraig. Ternan was an adventurer many decades ago from the Colian city of Craigshome, and followed a quest with his companions here to the far west of Colo. The rest of his party was killed in a random encounter with Mountain Giants, and Ternan was seriously injured. He found his way here to Letnii Gorod, and has stayed here ever since. Ternan lives in Letnii Gorod year-round, offering rooms and services to river traffic and the few local tribesman that live on the north bank of the river.
A view of Letnii Gorod in early June.
Camp, Temporary
30,000 for 8 to 10 weeks of the summer
Location under
Included Locations