Ternan Bencraig

Ternan Bencraig

Ternan Bencraig is a 48-year-old Human from Colo that now lives in Letnii Gorod and owns the Summer House Inn.  He has lived at Letnii Gorod for nearly 30 years, having come to the settlement severely wounded from a deadly Mountain Giant attack.  The people of the gorod took him in and nursed him back to health, and he has stayed here ever since.   Ternan operates the Summer House specifically for traders and merchants that want to do business with the Junn Harr but are not socially or culturally equipped to live the near nomadic lifestyle that the Junn Harr keep.  In the months of the year that the vast majority of the population is gone, he caters to adventurers and travellers and to the few rugged tribesmen that live just across the Silverwine River to the north.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dark brown hair and beard, both are thick and curly and (usually) uncombed.  He habitually wears clothing of the Junnharic style (loose linen shirts with a woolen vest and soft leather breeches fringed in fur and fastened with a woven leather belt).

Identifying Characteristics

His left arm has never fully recovered from his encounter with the Giants, and his hand and wrist bear the scars of the wound clearly.

Special abilities

Ternan has taken the Colian love of ale and married it to the Junnharic love of mead and now produces a brew of substantial strength that incorporates both honey and malted barley.  He has named the brew Silver Wine (Serebron Vino) and it is wildly popular all across the settlement... and beyond.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ternan was born in the ancient fortified city of Craigshome to the ruling family of the Bencraig Clan.  The youngest son of a youngest son, his prospects for an inherited title or position were bleak at best, so at the tender age of 18, he began adventuring in the wilds of western Colo.  While on a quest up the rugged Silverwine Valley, his party was attacked by a troop of wandering Mountain Giants and everyone was killed but him.  Severely wounded with a broken arm, several broken ribs and a punctured lung, Ternan walked nearly 20 miles up the valley coughing blood and losing strength every day.  Finally he came into sight of the vast encampment of Junn Harr herders summering their animals on the endless grasses of the high prairie and he was taken in and tended to.   He spent the rest of the summer mending amongst the Junn Harr, learning their tongue (many Junn spoke flawless Colian) and falling in love with their culture.  He decided to stay on at Lentii Gorod, and built a stone and timber home that he expanded into the Summer House Inn over the course of the next several years.  He has found that many prospective traders looking to do business with the Junn Harr will jump at the chance to stay in a more traditional "house" as opposed to a junnharic-style arak, which are dark, smokey and quite claustrophobic to someone not used to them.


Family Ties

Technically a member of a Colian royal family, Ternan is still a descendant of the ruling family of the Clan Bencraig.  He hasn't had any real contact with his family in more than 25 years, but he fondly remembers them and will sometimes send gifts back to Colo for them.

Wealth & Financial state

Ternan does not consider himself wealthy, but he has collected significant amounts of rare and valuable commodities over the decades.  One example are the hundreds of pounds of ivory that he has taken in trade from tribal hunters north of the Silverwine River.  They do not use or value coin, but willingly give ivory tusks for skins of the Silver Wine he brews at the Summer House.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Called Gostinitskyy by the Junn Harr who know him best
Craigshome, Colo
Current Residence
Letnii Gorod
Known Languages
Colian is his native tongue, but he is now fluent in Junnharic and has a growing knowledge of Caldarian as well.
Ruled Locations