The Baron Broadbeard

Baron Broadbeard

The Broadbeard, or Baron Broadbeard, is the Chief of the Clan Broadbeard, one of the six Great Clans of Dwarves and is the current ruler of the Dwarven city-state of Gihdun.  He is a 165-year-old Dwarf and has ruled as The Broadbeard for 44 years.   Born Thom Broadbeard in 189 AF in the City of Gihdun, he was the youngest son of the previous Broadbeard Chief.  Upon his taking the title Baron Broadbeard, he ceased being referred to as Thom and was known since only as Baron Broadbeard, or The Broadbeard.  He had served in the Gihdun Legions for 96 years, rising to the rank of Lord Commander of the Pike Legions before his father became greviously ill and named him his heir.  He has named his oldest brother, Thoft, his Lord High Marshal of Legions and his next oldest brother, Thorst, his Lord Chancellor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Considered slight and slender for a Dwarf, Baron Broadbeard is 4'9" tall and weighs about 180 lbs.  He has long pale blonde hair and beard and ice-blue eyes.  He is exceptionally strong for his size, and has proven to be an expert fighter with a long axe (a weapon rarely used by Dwarves).

Specialized Equipment

Baron Broadbeard has a unique knife that he carries with him everywhere.  Carved from a single large dragon tooth, it is deadly sharp and has proven (more than once) to be capable of piercing plate armor easily.  The knife is nearly 12" long and is both incredibly light and amazingly strong.  On at least two different occassions, Baron Broadbeard used the knife to defend himself against armored enemies in battle, and both times managed to stab right through plate steel armor and kill his attackers.



44 years as The Broadbeard

Family Ties

Married for 71 years to Tara Oakhold and father of seven children, four of whom have entered service in the Legions themselves.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Broadbeard
Dwarven Religion
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations