Town of Molrick

Molrick is a busy town on the banks of the Mol River.  It has a population of 2,600 people, mainly Humans and Halflings.  It has a booming farm industry, several quarries and mines, and a large community of Dwarves that are improving the areas infrastructure on a daily basis.


40% Human, 35% Halfling, 20% Dwarf, 5% Gnome


Molrick is the seat of the Briary of Molrick, ruled by Briar Crole Blackbeard.


With the completion of Blackstone Castle, the Briar has now begun the construction of a defensible wall around the town.  This project is expected to take the better part of ten years, and will employ as many as 300 souls at any given time.

Industry & Trade

Breweries, farms, fisheries, several ranches for cattle and donkeys.  Molrick is on the great north-south road between Southridge and Lorancourt, so much traffic moves through the town.


Centered around Blackstone Castle, the town has good roads, many multi-story buildings, large farms and several fine quarries and mines.


Farms and fisheries along the Mol River, quarries of fine blue-stone slate, a coal mine.

Guilds and Factions

Factions include the Briar at Blackstone, the community of Blackbeard Dwarves that has been established outside of the town proper, and a growing Halfling community along the river that might soon become an established shire.


Verdant alluvial plains surrounded by gently rolling hills.
A view of the Mol River downstream of Molrick
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization