Zenarus Anagostix

Zenarus Anagnostix

Zenarus Anagnostix is the owner and operator of the Kleer House Inn located in the Village of Lochome, Thorahl.  He is a 148-year-old Gnome that lives with his extended family (number 19 individuals) in a large residence constructed over the kitchen portion of the Inn.   Zenarus runs the Inn with the assistance of his very large family.  He and his wife, Zenara, have 11 children ranging in age from 93 to 11 and all of them work at the Inn.  His father and mother are also members of his household, with the role of managing and maintaining the bathhouse.  He has three widowed sisters that manage the Great Room by serving the food and drinks and keeping the busy hall constantly clean.  Finally, his 361-year-old grandfather, Zebulin, also lives with him at the Inn, and does what he can to help with the books and ledgers.   Zenarus, like all Gnomes, is passionately driven to learn as much as he can about his work and to provide the best experience possible to those who choose to stay at his Inn.  Over the last 34 years, he has learned to prepare the best food, the best drink and the best rooms for his guests.


Religious Views

Zenarus strives to provide the best service he can to his guests, but he does not do it purely for the profit. As a Gnome, he firmly believes that hard, honest work and the best effort possible is not simply its own reward, but a moral obligation to his community. As a devoted practitioner of the Gnomish Religion, he believes that dedicated practice of a learned skill is active prayer to his gods. Zenarus prays every single day.

Wealth & Financial state

While always working to provide the best service and experience for his guests, Zenarus does not charge much more than it costs to provide the rooms and fare.  However, he does still make a small profit, and as his business has increased over the last forty years, he has seen his profits rise, as well.  With the increased business and the expansion of his wares, he and his family ahve become moderately wealthy, enjoying a collective income in excess of 5,000 urcs a year.
Current Location
Current Residence
Kleer House Inn
Aligned Organization