
Lochome is a picturesque little village located on the western end of the Loch Kleer (Dwarven for clear lake). It is a quiet, sleepy place with very little industry and only occasional traffic that isn't local in origin. It is several miles off the main road leading from the Manmor frontier, and only foot or mule traffic from the City of Dimrahl has cause to travel through it.   The village is administered by a local Halfling named Rolin Dupuy, who finds he isn't so busy at his duties as Bailiff that he can't also manage a quite active goat farm.


About 400 Halflings, 70 Humans and one family of Gnomes.


Lochome has a Bailiff, at least in name.  Rolin Dupuy is the Bailiff of Lochome, appointed by Earl Blackbeard to manage, administer and oversee the quiet and very peaceful village.


Less than 100 dwellings clustered around the shore of Kleer Loch in the eastern regions of Thorahl.  There are two fish packing operations that catch, salt and pack into barrels small finger-sized fish called grayling.  Trout and salmon are also harvest, but are typically smoked and dried and then packed in barrels for sale and trade.


There is one large inn located in Lochome, called the Kleer House.  It is a large stone structure located on the waterfront that is big enough to be seen from nearly any vantage point in the village.  It is operated and owned by a family of Gnomes and caters to overland travellers to and from the City of Thorahl.
A view of Lochome, with the tower of the Kleer House Inn plainly visable
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