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"Arissen's alleged 'salting' is a lesson in the power of myth. It cloaked the region in dread for centuries, leaving it untouched, only for us to realize it was a ruse, veiling a prime opportunity for development, now known as Cademor."
- Esteemed Namorian Historian, Tavus Vedant, "Unearthing Shadows: The True History of Cademor", 339 RE.
  Cademor, formerly known as Arissen, is a city located at the mouth of the Raksan river in the Kingdom of Set.   Prior to the Namor-Set treaty, Arissen was a desolate and ruined city that had suffered the devastation of a great battle, leaving the land poisoned and devoid of vegetation and wildlife. The area was shrouded in stigma, causing it to remain abandoned for centuries. Rarely, a small group of fishermen would seek refuge among the stone ruins, finding solace from the occasional violent storms in the area but would never settle. Despite superstitions, those who dare to challenge the stigma and venture into the nearby waters can enjoy a bountiful fishing experience.   Following the Namor-Set treaty, a free trade was established, leading to the foundation of Cademor upon the ruins of old Arissen. The location was strategically chosen due to its large and viable plot of land at the mouth of the trade route that connects to Galt, the capital city. The availability of stone for construction and the Namorians' lesser superstitions contributed to their willingness to settle and build in the area. As people realized the absence of real danger, Cademor experienced rapid growth, attracting fortune-seekers from various parts of the known world.


The Council of Cademor comprises 20 notable citizens who either reside within the district or own property there. Led by a Namorian-appointed governor, the council oversees the governance of the city.    While Cademor officially remains the sovereign territory of the Kingdom of Set, the influence of Namoria under the terms of the treaty is evident, much to the dismay of local Setitian inhabitants who perceive it as an encroachment on their sovereignty.

Guilds and Factions

Although certain guilds initially established a presence in Cademor, some of the more cautious and slow-growing guilds, such as the Mason's Guild, remain absent. The uncertainty surrounding the durability of the treaty discourages them from establishing strong roots in the city. Many fear that the Kingdom of Set's diminishing ability to protect the vital trade routes required for the treaty's success might lead to a Namorian invasion and subsequent takeover.


The old city of Arissen was decimated in a catastrophic event known as the "Siege of Desolation" in the year 825 BRE. Arissen, then a blossoming hub of trade, attracted the attention of a ruthless warlord from the neighboring lands of Theron, known as Korgal the Savage. Korgal, covetous of Arissen's wealth, laid siege to the city.   When the city's defenses fell, instead of claiming his spoils, Korgal, in a fit of madness or perhaps strategic cruelty, ordered the city to be razed and the lands salted, rendering it uninhabitable. The rivers were poisoned, the fields laid to waste, and the populace either slaughtered or enslaved. This act of utter devastation was so extreme it shocked the region, and Korgal’s name became synonymous with brutality and destruction.   The Siege of Desolation had far-reaching consequences. It not only led to the downfall of Arissen but also altered the power dynamics of the region, ushering in a period of instability and conflict. It took centuries for the land to recover, and the ghost of Korgal’s cruelty still lingered, leaving Arissen abandoned and forgotten until the establishment of Cademor.


Arissen was originally built on a small hill for protection and served as a prominent trade hub in the region. For centuries, its decaying and imposing ruins overlooked passing trade ships, which carefully navigated the Raxan river to avoid the numerous wrecks in the dock.
Founding Date
302 RE
Location under
Owning Organization


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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