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Eagle's Eyrie

A waykeep of legend

Perched high in the foothills of the Thrymbarth mountains, where the rugged terrain of Eldorath gives way to treacherous peaks, stands the Eagle's Eyrie. This renowned Waykeep has served as a beacon of safety for travelers for over a century.


For main article, see Waykeeps Waykeeps are fortified inns that dot the landscape of Eldorath and neighboring regions, serving as crucial safe havens for travelers in areas plagued by dangers such as Thrymbarth Ravagers and marauding Wildmen. These structures combine the hospitality of an inn with the defenses of a small fortress, offering refuge, resupply, and rest to those braving the perilous wilderness. Each Waykeep is overseen by a Waywarden, typically a knight or veteran granted this honored position, who maintains the keep and ensures the safety of its guests.

Location and Appearance

The Eagle's Eyrie is situated at the convergence of three major trade routes: the Timber Trail from the forested lowlands, the Merchant's Path from the western Great Plains, and the treacherous Highland Route that winds deeper into the mountains. Its strategic location makes it a crucial waypoint for traders, pilgrims, and adventurers alike.   The Waykeep is built atop a rocky outcropping, providing a commanding view of the surrounding valleys. Its most distinctive feature is a tall, circular watchtower that rises from the edge of a cliff of the complex. This tower, visible for miles around, serves as a landmark for weary travelers.   The main structure is a formidable building of gray stone, its walls scarred by countless Ravager attacks yet standing firm. A deep moat surrounds the Waykeep, crossed by a sturdy drawbridge that can be raised in times of danger. Within the walls, a cobblestone courtyard leads to the main hall, stables, and various outbuildings.

History and Lore

The Eagle's Eyrie was one of the first Waykeeps established under Lord Tharik III initiative. Legend has it that the site was chosen after a giant eagle was seen battling a Ravager, embodying the spirit of protection that the Waykeep would come to represent.   Over the years, the Eagle's Eyrie has withstood numerous Ravager attacks, earning a reputation as one of the most secure Waykeeps in Eldorath. Its most famous battle occurred in 257 RE, when Waywarden Bryn the Unyielding held off a pack of Ravagers for seven days and nights, saving the lives of over a hundred refugees who had sought shelter within its walls.

Notable Features

  • The Eyrie Tower - The central watchtower offers an unparalleled view of the surrounding area. On clear days, it's said one can see all the way to the Great Plains.
  • The Hall of Tales - The main gathering area is adorned with intricate tapestries and carvings depicting the history of the Waykeep and famous events from Eldorath's past.
  • The Waywarden's Armory - A collection of weapons and armor from past Waywardens, including Brynhild's legendary axe.
  • The Ravager's Bane - A massive ballista mounted on the roof, said to be capable of piercing even a Ravager's thick hide.
  • The Whispering Spring - A natural spring in the courtyard, believed to have healing properties. It never runs dry, ensuring a constant supply of fresh water.

Current State

As of 345 RE, The Eagle's Eyrie is under the care of Waywarden Thoric Stromm, a former captain in the Eldorathi military. Thoric is known for his booming laugh and encyclopedic knowledge of Ravager behavior, which he freely shares with travelers.   The Waykeep can comfortably house up to 80 guests, with capacity to squeeze in many more in times of emergency. Its kitchens are famous for hearty mountain stews and a potent ale brewed on-site, aptly named "Ravager's Tears."   Despite its age, The Eagle's Eyrie remains one of the busiest Waykeeps in Eldorath. It's particularly popular among merchants transporting valuable goods, who appreciate its robust defenses and strategic location. Many travelers go out of their way to stop at the Eyrie, drawn by its reputation and the chance to add their own stories to its rich tapestry of lore.   The Eagle's Eyrie stands not just as a refuge from the dangers of the wild, but as a living piece of Eldorath's history. Each stone, each scar on its walls, tells a story of survival, courage, and the unbreakable spirit of those who call this rugged land home.


Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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