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Great Plains

The Great Plains of Theron is a vast and sprawling geographical region located in the heart of the wider land of Theron, and home to people called the Plainsfolk.
Bordered by West Theron to the west, Noordcross to the north, Eldorath to the east, and Set to the south, the Great Plains occupy a significant portion of the central continent.



One of the defining features of the Great Plains is the presence of the Serpent's Coil River, a major waterway that originates in the far eastern mountains beyond Eldaroth. This river, along with several other smaller rivers, serves as a crucial thoroughfare for trade and transportation throughout the region. Moreover, the Serpent's Coil River acts as a natural defensive barrier, offering protection and strategic advantages to those who control its crossings.   The landscape of the Great Plains is primarily characterized by vast stretches of flat plains, punctuated by occasional undulating hills and valleys carved by the rivers that traverse the region. While dense forests are relatively scarce in the area, there are scattered pockets of woodland that dot the landscape. These forests serve as havens for wildlife and provide resources for the inhabitants of the Great Plains.   Throughout the Great Plains, notable landmarks in the form of rocky outcrops can be found, serving as distinct landmarks and often housing towns, settlements, castles, temples, or keeps. These rocky formations not only provide natural defence but also serve as reference points for navigation in the vast expanse of the plains.   In addition to the plains and forests, the Great Plains also encompass marshes and swamps, particularly in areas where the rivers frequently flood. These wetlands, although less populated, play a significant role in the region's ecology and present challenges to those seeking to traverse the Great Plains from north to south. Navigating through these marshy areas requires careful planning and knowledge of the land.


The Great Plains of Theron encompass a diverse and dynamic ecosystem, shaped by its unique physical environment and the interactions of its biological organisms. The predominant feature of the region is its expansive plains, characterized by vast stretches of open grasslands, undulating hills, and occasional rocky outcrops. The landscape is interspersed with winding rivers and marshes, providing water sources and important habitats for various species. The physical environment of the Great Plains plays a crucial role in shaping the ecosystem dynamics. The availability of water from the Serpent's Coil River and other rivers sustains the vegetation in the grasslands, supporting a rich diversity of plant life. Grasses such as buffalo grass, blue grama, and needlegrass thrive in the fertile soil, forming the primary foundation of the ecosystem. These grasses provide nourishment for herbivorous animals and create habitat and cover for numerous species.   The interaction between organisms in the Great Plains is intricate and interdependent. Herbivores such as bison, antelopes, and deer graze on the abundant grasses, shaping the vegetation through their feeding patterns. Predatory species like wolves and coyotes maintain a balance in the ecosystem by controlling herbivore populations. Avian species, including hawks, eagles, and migratory birds, find ample hunting grounds and nesting sites within the open expanses of the plains.

Ecosystem Cycles

The ecosystem of the Great Plains experiences notable changes with the passing of seasons. The cyclical nature of the region influences the behaviour and adaptations of its inhabitants.
  • During the warm seasons of spring and summer, the grasslands flourish with vibrant plant growth, providing abundant food for herbivores. Migratory birds arrive in large numbers to breed and take advantage of the ample resources. Predators are also more active during this period, taking advantage of the increased prey availability.
  • As the seasons transition to autumn, the grasses begin to wither, and the temperature cools. Some bird species prepare for migration to warmer regions, while others adapt to the changing conditions and adjust their feeding habits. Herbivores may undertake seasonal movements in search of suitable forage, following the patterns of vegetation growth. Some animals, such as ground squirrels, may begin preparations for hibernation, retreating to their burrows to survive the harsh winter months.
  • Winter in the Great Plains can be harsh, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Food becomes scarce, and many herbivores rely on stored body fat reserves to survive. Predators may face challenges in hunting, leading to adaptations in their hunting strategies. The dormant period allows the ecosystem to regenerate and reset, preparing for the cycle to begin anew in the following spring.

Localized Phenomena

The Great Plains of Theron are known for a few distinct natural phenomena that shape the region and capture the imagination of those who inhabit or traverse its vast expanses. While the Great Plains of Theron boast these distinctive natural and supernatural elements, they also provide a beautiful and challenging backdrop to the lives of those who call it home or venture into its expanse. The interplay of weather, geology, and folklore creates an environment that is both captivating and formidable, leaving a lasting impression on all who experience its wonders.
  • Tempest Winds -The Great Plains experience powerful tempest winds that sweep across the open grasslands. These winds can be fierce and relentless, whipping through the plains with great force. They are known for their distinct sound, often described as a haunting howl that echoes across the landscape. The tempest winds can create dramatic dust storms, enveloping the plains in swirling clouds of sand and dust, reducing visibility and impacting travel and daily activities.
  • Thunderstorms and Lightning - The Great Plains are prone to intense thunderstorms during certain seasons. These storms bring towering cumulonimbus clouds, thunder, and lightning. The flat and open terrain of the plains allows for unobstructed views of the storm's spectacular displays, including lightning strikes that illuminate the sky. Thunderstorms in the Great Plains can be both awe-inspiring and potentially hazardous, with heavy rain, strong winds, and occasional hail.
  • Tornadoes - The Great Plains are known for their susceptibility to tornadoes. The unique combination of warm, moist air from the Great Ocean meeting cooler air from the north creates an environment conducive to the formation of tornadoes. These swirling columns of wind can be devastating, capable of causing significant damage to structures and landscapes.
  • Supernatural Legends - The Great Plains have a rich tapestry of supernatural legends and folklore. Stories of mysterious creatures, legendary beasts, and spirits are passed down through generations. Some tales speak of shape-shifting entities said to roam the grasslands, while others recount encounters with elusive spirits that guard sacred places. These supernatural phenomena add an air of mystique and wonder to the already captivating landscape.

Natural Resources

The Great Plains of Theron possess a variety of natural resources that have played a significant role in shaping the region's economy and development.  
  • Fertile Soil - The plains feature expansive tracts of fertile soil, making it a prime agricultural region. The rich, loamy soil supports the growth of various crops, including grains, vegetables, and legumes. Farmers in the Great Plains benefit from the fertile land, utilizing it for extensive farming and contributing to the region's food production.
  • Water Resources - The Great Plains are intersected by several rivers and streams, with the Serpent's Coil River being the most prominent. These waterways provide a vital resource for irrigation, supporting agricultural activities and sustaining local communities. The rivers also serve as transportation routes, facilitating trade and commerce within the region.
  • Grazing Lands - The vast grasslands of the Great Plains provide ample grazing opportunities for livestock, particularly cattle. Ranching and livestock rearing have been integral to the economy of the region, with cattle ranches dotting the landscape. The grasses of the plains offer nourishment for grazing animals, supporting the meat and dairy industries.
  • Stone and Rock - The Great Plains are not known for extensive deposits of valuable minerals or precious metals. However, the region does feature abundant supplies of various types of stone and rock. These materials have been utilized for construction purposes, including the building of settlements, roads, and fortifications. Local quarries provide a source of building materials, contributing to the region's construction industry.


The history of the Great Plains of Theron is intertwined with the broader history of the Kingdom of Theron itself. As a significant geographical region, the plains have witnessed various events and transformations throughout the centuries.   In ancient times, the Great Plains were inhabited by indigenous tribes who lived off the land, relying on hunting, gathering, and nomadic herding practices. These tribes formed a connection with the vast grasslands and rivers, developing their own cultures and traditions.   With the rise of the Kingdom of Theron, the Great Plains became an integral part of the realm. The plains served as a buffer zone between the other neighbouring regions, acting as a natural barrier against invasions and providing a strategic advantage. Numerous settlements and towns were established along the rivers, fostering trade and commerce within the region.   Over the years, conflicts and power struggles shaped the history of the Great Plains. Rivalries between noble houses, territorial disputes, and invasions from external forces influenced the dynamics of the region. The plains witnessed the rise and fall of different rulers, as well as political upheavals that impacted the entire kingdom.   The Great Plains played a crucial role in the agricultural prosperity of Theron. The fertile soil and favourable climate supported the growth of crops, making the region an essential food-producing area. It contributed significantly to the kingdom's economy and sustained its population.   In more recent history, the Great Plains became a battleground during the long-standing war between the Kingdom of Theron and the Namorian Republic. The plains were contested territory, witnessing numerous battles and skirmishes as both sides vied for control over West Theron and sought to extend their influence.   Despite the challenges and conflicts, the Great Plains remained resilient, adapting to changing circumstances and playing a vital role in the kingdom's stability and growth. The region continues to be a significant hub for agriculture, trade, and transportation, contributing to the overall prosperity of Theron.   The history of the Great Plains of Theron reflects the intricate tapestry of a region shaped by its geography, its people, and the historical events that have unfolded within its borders. It remains an integral part of the kingdom's heritage, embodying both the struggles and triumphs of its past.
Alternative Name(s)
Vastar Lhada
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
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Contested By


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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