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Beacons of Safety in the Wilderness


In the rugged and often perilous landscapes of Eldorath and neighboring regions, a network of fortified inns known as Waykeeps stands. These structures, born out of necessity and refined by tradition, serve as vital sanctuaries for travelers braving the threats of Thrymbarth Ravagers, marauding Wildmen, and the harsh elements of the mountainous terrain.

Historical Origins

The concept of Waykeeps dates back to the reign of Lord Aldric the Farsighted, who ruled Eldorath nearly two centuries ago. The impetus for their creation came during a particularly harsh winter when Lord Aldric, trapped in a snowstorm, found refuge in a humble hamlet. The villagers had fortified their local inn against Ravager attacks, a pragmatic solution that impressed the lord.   Inspired by this experience, Lord Aldric initiated a program to construct fortified inns along major trade routes. This decision was born out of both necessity and economic pragmatism. The fear of Ravagers had crippled trade and travel in many areas, and while full-scale forts were too expensive to maintain, these smaller, self-sustaining Waykeeps proved to be an effective compromise.

Architecture and Design

Waykeeps, also known colloquially as "Ravager Roosts" or "Travelers' Strongholds," are distinctive structures that blend the functionality of an inn with the defensive capabilities of a small fortress. The typical Waykeep design includes:
  • Thick Stone Walls - Usually 2-3 meters thick, capable of withstanding significant force.
  • Fortified Gate - A heavy, ironbound gate, often with a small sally port for quick access.
  • Watchtower - Provides a vantage point for spotting approaching threats.
  • Inner Courtyard - Allows for some outdoor activity within the safety of the walls.
  • Reinforced Roof - Sloped and sturdy, designed to prevent Ravagers from gaining a foothold.
  • Cellars and Storage - For food, water, and supplies to withstand extended periods of isolation.
  • Stables - Protected area for animals.
  • Common Room - The heart of the inn, providing warmth, food, and community.

The Role of Waywardens

For main article, see Waywarden The title of Waywarden is bestowed upon knights or veterans who have proven their valor and trustworthiness. This non-hereditary position comes with significant responsibilities and privileges such as maintaining and defending the waykeep.

Unwritten Rules of Waykeeps

While not codified, several unwritten rules govern the conduct within Waykeeps:
  • The Waywarden's word is final within the Waykeep's walls.
  • Show utmost respect to the Waywarden's family, especially the lady of the house.
  • Theft from the Waykeep or its occupants is considered a grave offense.
  • Skilled travelers are expected to contribute their talents (e.g., minstrels performing, healers tending to the sick) during extended stays.
  • False claims of Ravager attacks to gain free entry are severely frowned upon and may result in banishment.
  • Able-bodied guests are expected to assist in defense if the Waykeep comes under genuine threat.

Expansion and Variations

While Waykeeps originated in Eldorath, the concept has spread to neighboring regions:
  • Noordcross - Adopted the Waykeep system, with some modifications to accommodate coastal threats.
  • Eastern Plains - Fewer Waykeeps, primarily serving as trading posts and rest stops.
  • Set - Similar structures exist but are locally organized rather than state-commissioned.

Cultural Impact

Waykeeps have become more than mere shelters; they are now integral to the cultural fabric of Eldorath and beyond. They serve as:
  • Hubs of information exchange
  • Neutral grounds for settling disputes
  • Venues for local celebrations and gatherings
  • Repositories of local lore and history
Many Waykeeps have developed unique identities, with names like "The Ravager's Respite," "Aldric's Foresight," "Eagle's Eyrie", or "The Whistling Watchtower" becoming well-known landmarks in their own right.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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