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Noordcross is a strategically significant region situated in the north-eastern part of the former Kingdom of Theron, on the continent of Orynthia. Bordered by the Gulf of Karida to the northwest, the Thrymbarth Mountains to the east, Eldorath to the south, and the Black Coast to the west, it serves as a vital conduit for trade routes between the Karidan Peninsula and the rest of Theron. Noordcross is currently ruled by King Rylar, who ascended to power in 297 RE. The region is home to the Fjordlanders, known for their expertise in fishing and caribou hunting. Due to its geographic significance and the adept leadership of King Rylar, Noordcross plays a pivotal role in the political landscape of Theron.


The landscape of Noordcross is diverse, with a gradual transition from flat terrain in the south to the dramatic fjords in the north along the Gulf of Karida. The Thrymbarth Mountains form the eastern boundary of Noordcross, and to the west lie the Torinth Peaks. Several fjords characterize the northern coast, with the waters of the Gulf of Karida cutting into the land, creating steep cliffs and narrow inlets. The region also boasts valleys and a mighty river system. The main road connecting the Karidan Peninsula to the southern regions runs through Noordcross and is meticulously maintained, complete with bridges, river ferries, and toll houses. This road is considered a lifeline for trade and transportation.


Noordcross’s ecosystem is rich and varied, with its fjords, rivers, mountains, and valleys providing habitats for a diverse range of flora and fauna. The forests that blanket the valleys are predominantly composed of pine and spruce trees, and the undergrowth teems with berries and mushrooms. The fjords and rivers are rich in fish, especially salmon and trout, which constitute an essential resource for the local Fjordlanders.   The region is also home to an abundance of wildlife, including caribou, whose migration patterns play a significant role in the culture of the Fjordlanders. Additionally, wolves, bears, and various birds of prey inhabit the forests and mountains. In the waters of the Gulf of Karida, whales, seals, and various seabirds can be spotted.

Localized Phenomena

  • Caribou Migration - The migration of caribou in Noordcross is not just a natural phenomenon but also a significant cultural event. Fjordlanders follow the caribou's migration patterns closely, and their movements often signal changes in the seasons and timing for various cultural practices and ceremonies.
  • Firefly Season - During certain times of the year, the forests of Noordcross come alive with swarms of fireflies. These bioluminescent insects create an enchanting spectacle, lighting up the night sky with their gentle glow. The Fjordlanders believe that a firefly sighting brings good luck and prosperity.
  • The Mountain's Breath - In the colder months, a mysterious mist descends from the Thrymbarth Mountains, enveloping Noordcross in a thick fog. Known as the Mountain's Breath, this phenomenon is said to be a blessing from the ancient gods of the mountains, and it marks the beginning of the winter season.
  • Rune Stones - Scattered throughout Noordcross are ancient rune stones, believed to be remnants of a civilization predating the Fjordlanders. Some of these stones are said to possess magical properties, providing protection, good fortune, or guidance to those who know how to decipher their symbols.


The climate of Noordcross is maritime, similar to that of Norway. It experiences mild temperatures throughout the year, with cool summers and relatively mild winters for its latitude, thanks to the warming influence of the Gulf of Karida. Precipitation is abundant, and the region is often shrouded in mist and fog. Snowfall is common in winter, especially in the mountainous areas and the northern fjords.

Fauna & Flora

  • Frostberries - Frostberries are a type of berry that only grows in Noordcross. They are hardy and can survive the cold climate. Frostberries are known for their sweet and slightly tangy taste and are used in many traditional Fjordlander dishes.
  • Thrymbarth Pine - The Thrymbarth Pine is a tall and hardy species of pine tree that grows in the Thrymbarth Mountains. It has adapted to the harsh conditions and its wood is highly valued for its strength and resistance to cold.
  • Fjordwillows - Growing alongside the fjords, these trees have long, drooping branches that almost touch the water. The leaves of the Fjordwillow are used in traditional medicine, and its wood is used to make lightweight boats.
  • Mountain Lilies - These delicate flowers are found only in the alpine meadows of the Thrymbarth Mountains. They bloom for a short period during spring and are believed to possess healing properties.


  • Karidan Whale - The Karidan Whale is a majestic creature that migrates through the Gulf of Karida during late spring and early summer. They are known for their playful breaching behavior and are considered a good omen by local sailors.
  • Fjord Stags - The Fjord Stags are a species of large deer that inhabit the fjords and forests of Noordcross. They are characterized by their massive antlers that resemble the branches of ancient trees. They are deeply respected by the Fjordlanders, who believe that they are the guardians of the forests.
  • Caribou - An essential part of the Noordcross ecosystem, caribou are integral to the culture of Fjordlanders. Their migration patterns are closely followed, and they are hunted for their meat and hide. Caribou are also believed to have spiritual significance.
  • Rimehawks - These birds of prey inhabit the high peaks of the Thrymbarth Mountains. With their icy-blue feathers and piercing eyes, they are known for their ability to withstand the cold and fly even during blizzards. Some Fjordlanders consider it an honor to have a Rimehawk choose them as a companion.
  • Glimmerfish - Found in the rivers and fjords of Noordcross, the Glimmerfish is known for its shimmering scales that reflect light in a spectrum of colors. They are prized by fishermen and considered a delicacy.
  • Snow Runners - These small mammals are adapted to the snowy terrain of Noordcross. With their white fur and agile movements, they are difficult to spot against the snow-covered landscape. They are known for their burrowing habits and are often found in alpine regions.


The culture of Noordcross is deeply rooted in the land and its bounty. The Fjordlanders, or Noordcrossers, are known for their resilience and affinity with nature. Fishing and caribou hunting are not just economic activities but are also ingrained in their culture and traditions. With a network of toll houses and forts, Noordcross capitalizes on its strategic position by levying tolls on the trade routes, which significantly contributes to the region's economy. Additionally, the sale of fish and other marine resources, as well as caribou products, are vital to the economic well-being of the region. The people of Noordcross are also known for their skilled craftsmanship, particularly in shipbuilding and woodworking.   Noordcross, with its rich natural resources and strategic position, continues to be a vital region in the broader Theron area. Under the rule of King Rylar, it maintains a delicate balance through astute political maneuvering and a deep connection to its cultural heritage and natural environment.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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