Tinir, the initiator’s realm World History Timeline
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World History

A history of the world, from Creation onward

Ancient History

... 1 AP

From Creation to the Blight of Bones

  • -5001


    The Fall of New Aether
    Disaster / Destruction

    New Aether, the flying city of ancient humanity, is brought down by the gods. An already-enraged Herobrine violently kills the survivors, but is restrained by his sister, Lady Turavus, and goes into exile.   The Diamond Age of myth comes to an end, and the Gold Age of darkness begins

    New Aether
    More reading
    The Fall
  • -3001


    Population Migration / Travel

    The various vaults humanity had retreated to during the Fall release their contents, and gradually humans begin exploring the world.   With the aid of the Ender race, humans start relearning about the ways of the natural world.

  • -2501


    Great Resurgance
    Cultural event

    Humanity begins rediscovering building and crafting, among other things.   This in turn leads to the first reactivation of Nether Portals since the Fall, and the first interaction with the Piglin Race for millennia.

  • -2001


    Herobrine Demon Rises
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    A hapless explorer is possessed by a demon posing as the god Herobrine. This entity begins wreacking havoc in both the Overworld and the Nether, fully intent on extending the war as long as it could.

  • -2001


    First Nether War
    Military action

    Humans discover Nether gold and Netherite, and thus begin attempts to colonize the Nether. While some are successful and peaceful, others fail with drastic consequences, and the Piglins retaliate, eventually driving the majority of humanity out of their realm.   The Gold Age ends, and the Iron Age begins.

  • -1501


    The Fallen Kingdom
    Disaster / Destruction

    Herobrine Demon assaults the Fallen Kingdom, destroying the castle in an attempt to access the End Portal beneath it. The attempt fails due to the King’s removal of an Eye from the frame, and the Fallen Prince is rescued from the rubble the next day.

  • -1481


    The Nether Invades
    Military action

    The Fallen Prince slays the host of the Herobrine Demon, and leaves it trapped in cooling lava. The Nether soon makes war on the Overworld, assaulting with massive portals. The Prince eventually manages to guide a Nether Reactor Missile into the Nether, where it explodes and once again seals the portals, twisting the Nether itself in the process.

  • -6

    The Blight of Bones
    Military action

    The dead rose from underground, but the sapient races banded together under Peter Chase to stop them.

    The Overworld
    More reading
    Blight of Bones
  • -1


    Coronation of King Peter
    Political event

    Peter Chase is crowned King of Treehold, and leads the Overworld into a golden age of prosperity for a time during the early years of the Netherite Age. Thus began a new era.


Recent History

1 AP and beyond

From Peter's Coronation to now

  • 1299 PPC

    1299 PPC

    Assassination of Richard II
    Life, Death

    “Bloody” King Richard the Second is assassinated, bringing an end to the Chase dynasty, as well as both the Treehold Monarchy and the Netherite Era.   The modern Redstone Era begins.