Peter Chase Character in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Peter Chase

King Peter Chase (a.k.a. The Dragon-Hearted)

“Peter of House Chase, will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the peoples of Tinir according to their respective laws and customs?”   ”I solemnly promise to do so.”   ”Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?”   ”I will.”   “Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of the Gods, of Hogimal, of Turavus, of Ses’ser, of Herobrine, of their Children, and of The Initiator above them?”     ”All this I promise to do. The things which I have here before promised, I will perform, and keep. So help me Creator on high.”   ”Then by the power vested within me, I crown you King Peter Chase, first of his name!”   ”Hail, King Peter! Long live the King!”

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In his prime, Peter was physically fit for an adult male of the time period. His career in the military put him through rigourous training, keeping him strong and agile. He could throw a spear twenty meters and wield huge broadswords. He liked to show off his archery skills during feasts by shooting apples off a ledge at the other end of his long banquet hall.
Peter experienced a natural decline in his athletic prowess with age. He preferred more intellectual pursuits like puzzle-solving and logical quandaries in his elder years. He would always say that he spent his youth exercising his body, and this was his chance to exercise his brain.

Special abilities

As an Enderborn, Peter possessed the ability to teleport, though only over short distances. He typically used this power as an intimidation tactic.

Apparel & Accessories

Peter’s typical apparal included his crown, and royal red cape. When not in his royal finery (generally a tailored outfit of black, green, and brown), Peter wore a suit of diamond and iron armor over chainmail.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of the first significant Enderborn figures in history, Peter Chase was born to a human father and Ender mother in 35 BPC. Not much is known about his childhood. He came from a family of soldiers, so he was trained as a page in his adolescence and young adulthood. He joined the Treehold Army at the age of 25, reaching the rank of Captain at age 30.
Peter first arose to fame during the Blight of Bones. As a Captain he directed the army at the Second Battle of Treehold, succeeding the previous captain who was killed in the First Battle of Treehold. Under his leadership, the battle was a decisive victory. The undead army was pushed out of the Treehold area without significant losses on Peter's part. He continued to lead the army throughout the Blight of Bones to great efficacy. It was then that he earned his nickname of Peter the Dragonhearted.
At the close of the Blight of Bones, Peter's reputation as a powerful warrior, bright strategist, and conscientious leader led to him being selected as Treehold's new king. His coronation marks the shift in dating the years -- events prior are called Before Peter's Coronation (BPC) and subsequent events are Post-Peter's Coronation (PPC).
During the war, Peter the Dragonhearted helped move a company of refugees from the destroyed town of Coraza to Treehold. Among them, he met a person named Gabriel and formed a friendship with them, which blossomed into love. A mere six months after his coronation, Peter married Gabriel as his spouse and made them ruler alongside him. Gabriel Chase was well-known for their fairness and being a calm foil to Peter's hot-blooded nature, which earned them the nickname Gabriel the Just.
Peter and Gabriel had only one child -- Lucretia Chase, born in 4 PPC. With Lucretia, they began the long and proud line of the Chase Dynasty.
He died of old age in 45 PPC. His family, who were present for his final moments, said his passing was peaceful. He simply fell asleep and never woke up again. Peter was buried in the Tomb of the Dragonhearted, along with his beloved Gabriel, who died mere days after him. To this day, their resting place is unknown. It is said that Celes, Goddess of Death, personally escorted them to the afterlife.


Peter was openly pansexual.


Peter was a wise and just ruler, with an excellent mind for strategy. During his youth, he received education as a page and later a squire through the Treehold military. His training helped him to develop his skills in strategy, but those close to him said he was always great with puzzles and problem solving.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Peter the Dragonhearted is a duly celebrated figure in the world's history. His many victories in the Blight of Bones earned him many laudatory titles, such as "Champion of the Blight of Bones."
His coronation as King Peter Chase and progenitor of the Chase Dynasty is most likely his crowning accomplishment. He ruled Treehold fairly for many years. Those years were packed with adventure and excitement, truly a golden age in the medieval period.
In the long term, Peter the Dragonhearted's fame helped to lessen the stigma against Enderborn. Having seen one of their own rise to such acclaim proved very inspiring for other half-human, half-Ender people.

Mental Trauma

Peter was notoriously cagey about his inner self. The private correspondences of Gabriel often spoke about how their husband often came off as haunted by his experiences in war. He put on a a brave face about his military accomplishments in public, but in private, he confessed to having nightmares about the battlefield and fear of the undead's return. Lucretia occasionally wrote in her journals about her father's depressive episodes and refusal to talk about war unless it was necessary. In modern times, Peter Chase might have been diagnosed with PTSD.


Family Ties

A human father and Ender mother (parents)
Gabriel the Just (spouse)
Lucretia the Humble (child)

Religious Views


Peter tended to be fairly expressive with his speaking, using his hands to make a point.

Hobbies & Pets

Even after taking the throne, Peter tended to use archery as a way to calm himself when he got to incensed.


Peter’s manner of speaking is a more formal-sounding variant of the Forest Settler accent, and typically includes turns of phrase common with them.


Peter Chase


Towards Gabriel Chase


Gabriel Chase


Towards Peter Chase


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • King Peter Chase
  • The Dragon Hearted
  • Champion of the Blight of Bones
  • The Good King
35 BP 45 AP
Circumstances of Birth
Born to unknown parents: one human, one Ender.
Circumstances of Death
Died of old age
Gabriel Chase (Spouse)
Current Residence
Tomb of the Dragon Hearted
Shoulder length, wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2.05 m
Known Languages
Peter Chase spoke Low Ender and Common with equal fluency. Given his background, it is not surprising; he grew up hearing those languages in his home.
Ruled Locations

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