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Eren Dûrdinath

The High-Elf settlement, hidden by magic from the prying eyes of outsiders.   Eren Dûrdinath is protected by thick natural growth which has been nurtured to create an impenetrable hedge of thickets and brambles stretching out for almost a mile in every direction from the city. It contains an intricate network of secret passages and paths, both within the thicket below, and in the branches above. The location was strategically chosen near a source of pure water that flows crystal clear through the village, feeding a series of small waterfalls.   Known to a few as Stittle Woad in common tongue, it was a conceived lie as Stittle Woad refers to a type of elven dye, to mislead curious folk of the city's existence. The city is geographically still within the confines of the Forest of Spiders.   The Elves of Eren Dûrdinath are notable for their distinctive white hair, their formidable magical powers, and their use of Griffons as riding mounts. Interbreeding as the elves call it, is strictly forbidden - the lineage of the High Elves must only be pure bred High Elves. As a result, it is common for siblings to wed. The elves here believe they are of a superior race, and likely so, as they have mastered every craft there is and has a rich culture of poetry, cuisine, and in music.  

Politics and Factions

  Eren Dûrdinath is ruled over by a Queen. The current is ruler of the village is Queen Ethilesse. The Elves choose a young maiden to be appointed "Elf Princess", and to be trained as the Queen. On her eighteenth birthday, the maiden undergoes a special ritual where she communes with the Elven gods. After the ritual is complete, the maiden is crowned Queen of Eren Dûrdinath.  

Notable Persons

  Dalga Weaseltongue
His love for adventuring and ale often puts Dalga in the cities of men, and after a few drinks, Dalga often let slips the elven city's existence. However, the lying snarkin spins stories so often, that the secret of location remains hidden, as people often gets confused over Dalga's words. Dalga is hated by the inhabitants of Eren Dûrdinath, and elves often put leaf litter over his house's porch whenever he is away enjoying himself in a nearby town.   Inuriel Gayal
Inuriel, like all elves from the city, have blond white hair, and is currently serving the role as the captain of the Griffon Riders. He believes strongly not to rely on the mount, and spends extensive time training his archery and swordplay. Inuriel is a good judge of a person's character, and reciprocate kindness and respect to those with honour, and is cold towards those without.
Eren Durdinath


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