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Vale of Willow

Vale of Willow

  The Vale is nestled within the trecherous Craggen Rocks, and wild beasts and aviary roam the cliffs. It is accessed by long shaky wooden bridges that snakes high up to the top of the willow tree, where one mis-step can spell a traveller's doom.   The history of which that brought the Vale to its condition today had its tale when a fallen group of human adventurers stumbled into Craggen after suffering defeat by a orc-raiding party in the Plains. The outcome of the manslaughter ambush made its way and took refuge in whatever crevasses they could find in the highlands. A scouting party of Wood-Elves chanced upon the party and brought them back for tending up in the Vale. Thus so, the humans were the first of their kind to stay longer in the Vale than any other past travelers, eventually settling down on life there.   From then onwards, the Vale would always have three elders, three representatives from the different races residing in the Vale; A human, a half-elf, and an elf.  

Polictics and Factions

Sirion, a charismatic and compassionate human diplomat, may sound reasonable but further his own agendas for the Vale, and believes it should be part of Salamonis under King Solomon V's rule. The promise of wealth and smoother tidings brings followers to his side, and for good reason, as Sirion still has good connections to other parts of Allansia. Sirion is in love with Aeliana, and wants better prospects for her people.   Half-elves
Thalordrin, the half-elf is closely related to Sirion's ancestors, having been born from the first human settlers in the Vale. Thalordrin is a man of business, and is quick to notice threats to the village. He is ever wary of the House of Black, as well as envious eyes coveting the Willow, and old prejudices threatening to resurface. Most of the scouts work directly for Thalordrin, but his folly is that he places too much trust in the people who he is close to.   Elves
The beautiful elder, Aeliana, is the epitome of grace, wisdom, and timeless allure. Her almond-shaped eyes, the color of the clearest emerald, are framed by long, dark lashes that give her gaze an otherworldly intensity. In those eyes, one can glimpse the ancient wisdom that comes from centuries of rule, as well as a profound kindness that speaks of a deep love for her people and the natural world. Aeliana carries herself with a quiet strength that speaks of both resilience and grace. Her voice, like the soft melody of a woodland stream, resonates with authority and compassion, weaving a sense of unity among her people. She is very trusting of outsiders, and believes that new perspectives can help save the Vale from slowly fading out.

Notable Persons

  Magister Thornby
An old human healer of the Citadel from a far away land has settled in the Vale as his final place of rest. The villagers do not give Thornby any trouble, but the man's wisdom rivals any elf as he has seen war, famine, and many summers.   Shagnar
It is uncommon for orcs to be alive in the vincinity of the Vale, unless it is a raiding orc party. Shagnar is the only exception, where he serves as village's lumberjack. Shagnar's duties is the cut firewood and deliver them to each house before evening, where he diligently has done so for many years. Shagnar's mind was badly eaten by an Intellect Devourer before the healers could save him. As a result, Shagnar poses no threat to the Vale, and is considered an ally to its people.
Vale of Willow


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