Dissection Plot in TMNT: Mystic Forest | World Anvil


Panic set in instantly. They’d been caught. Their worst nightmare was coming true. He thrashed against the restraints, trying to wriggle out, to break something, anything. Nothing was helping.

“Leo?” Mikey’s hoarse voice whined. “Where are we?”

“Mikey–” Leo began.

“Ah, the subjects are awake.” A woman spoke as she sat up.

The dark haired scientist stepped towards them, being illuminated more clearly by the overhead lights.

“Who are you?” Raph spat, still waking up. “Where the fuck are we?”

“I am Dr. Baker. I will be the one performing the exam on you,” she told them.


The turtles wake up strapped to tables in a Stockgen lab where Lindsey Baker Is prepared to experiment on them, collecting samples of their blood and preparing to open them up, but quickly has reservations when she realizes they are intelligent teenagers. Meanwhile Team B, consisting of April, Casey, Splinter and Mondo Gecko break into the lab to save them.   During their plan they set the alarms off, and Lindsey uses the distraction as an opportunity to release the turtles without suspicion. The turtles escape and meet with the others only to be attacked again by the The Stockmech. With the turtles too weak to fight it again, Team B comes up with a plan to short-circuit the power supply and cause the mech to explode, allowing them to successfully escape the facility.
May 15th, 2023
Chapter Number
Turtle Trap
Read Here

Season 3


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