
As Splinter left, Mikey broke down. He started crying so abruptly he made Donnie jump, looking over to him in a panic.

“Mikey?!” He asked.

“I’m sorry!” Mikey sobbed. “I’m really sorry!”

“Hey, hey!” Donnie leaned over, despite the fact that he didn’t really want to touch anyone at the moment. Mikey had priority for the moment, at least until he couldn’t handle any more. “Mike, it’s okay—“

Mikey pressed into Donnie’s plastron, squirming as close as he could. Donnie wrapped his arms around him, grimacing but not letting Mikey see his face. Raph met his eyes and just gave him an appreciative nod. They never found out why he started crying. He refused to talk.

By the time Mikey’s sobs had died down, Splinter returned with a bag of medical supplies. Donnie had to maneuver his foot between the front seat and the door to unlock it for him, as Mikey had curled up in his lap and passed out. The blanket around him made the touch a little more bearable.

“Michelangelo is resting, good,” Splinter approved, climbing into the back so carefully the van barely rocked. “How is Leonardo?”

“Same,” Raph muttered, hand still stroking Leo’s head. “He makes sounds sometimes, but he hasn’t moved or woken up again.”


“He’ll be okay, right?”

Anger rose in Raph’s throat when Splinter didn’t answer his question right away. Instead, his hand hovered over Leo’s body as though he were trying to keep a house of cards from falling apart.

“Leonardo is strong,” Splinter finally replied. “I believe that he is strong enough to make it through this.”

Raph grimaced. He didn’t like that answer. It wasn’t a “yes”. It wasn’t “Leo will be fine and asking to train every day again by next week”. It wasn’t “he’ll live”. That was the important one.

He’ll live.


After Leonardo is badly injured by The Shredder, the turtles have no choice but to call for help from April and Casey. Casey drives over with her van and starts driving off somewhere safer, all the while Donatello and Splinter use what few medical supplies they have to try to fix Leo's shell so he doesn't bleed out.   Once everything is settled, Casey drives out to a farm house belonging to April's Uncle Augie, so the turtles can hunker down in the barn, safe and far far away from where The Foot can find them.
August 4th, 2022
Chapter Number
The Pond
Read Here

Season 1


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