The Pond

“Stupid child,” Saki growled. “I’ll make your death slow.”

He attacked. Leo couldn’t keep up. He could only desperately try to block every strike, but it wasn’t doing much good.

Saki’s claws cut into his arm, his leg, his side, his plastron. Leo barely deflected it enough with his sword so the claws couldn’t sink into him.

A kick to the knee, a snapping sound, and pain shooting up his leg, and Leo dropped, screaming. He clumsily deflected another strike from the claws that scraped across his side, criss-crossing over the first. Tears were in his eyes as he choked down the scream that wanted to rise from his throat.

Saki crouched down beside him, chuckling. “Pathetic. A miserable display. Yoshi made a mistake taking you under his wing.”

Leo huffed short, heavy breaths. Through his blurring vision, he spotted the yokai key hanging around Saki’s neck. He forced himself to focus through the clouds of pain making his body feel foreign.

He thrust his sword forward, towards Saki’s chest. Saki dodged, but the blade met with the amulet as it swung off his neck and it sparked like lightning.

The key exploded outwards into pieces, a crystal inside dropping out, cracks running through it.

Saki roared in anger, slamming his gauntlet down onto Leo’s shell.

Something cracked, and all he felt was exploding pain centering on his back. He screamed but no sound came out, only a weak sob as his air left his lungs. He tried to suck in but god , it was painful to breathe. His vision blurred, black spots appearing in his eyes.

I don’t want to die. Help me! Please, help me…!


The turtles are ambushed in the forest by The Foot and Leonardo is separated from the others. A new ninja appears and deals with the attackers, telling Leo he is a friend of the Hamato's and they need to get to the Yokai Realm immediately, showing he has his own Amulet Key as proof.   Leo assists the ninja into the yokai realm, only for him to reveal himself as The Shredder and brutally attacks Leo. He fights back but he's powerless against a man who is bigger, stronger, and more experienced than him. In desperation he breaks Shredder's key with his sword, effectively trapping both of them there. Saki proceeds to beat Leo to a pulp, only to be saved by other yokai, including Usagi intervening.   When Splinter and the others realize whats going on, they rushed to the pond to open the portal themselves, only for Leo's bloody body to be thrown out of it. More foot soldiers closed in, and in attempt to save his family Michelangelo activated Godai creating a wind storm that blows the enemy away.   But the forest is still full of foot ninja, Leo is badly hurt, and it's too risky to lead them to their home, so they can only run.
August 3rd, 2022
Chapter Number
Read Here

Season 1


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