Super Smash Turtles Brawl

Leo stood from the table and staggered, light headed.

Raph reached out a hand to grab Leo and stabilize him. “Woah, Leo, you good?”

“Y-yeah,” He answered, rubbing his head. “I think I stood up too fast.”

“Do you need your salt lick?” Donnie asked.

“No, no. I think I’m just still a little out of it from the last fight.”

“Well look alive, buddy,” Raph gave him a little pat on the shell. “We’re up next.”

“I’ll be okay,” Leo said, trying to shake it off, giving his brothers a thumbs up.

The four of them returned to the arena grounds, feeling a little more prepared this time. Their opponent, the masked yokai, followed soon after, facing them on the opposite side. He let out a devious laugh as removed the cape from his armor, revealing not two, but four rippling muscular arms, which he flexed confidently.

“Wow! An arm for clobbering each of us,” Mikey joked nervously.

“Big deal, we got this chump! Right Leo?” Raph asked, looking at his eldest brother. He didn’t get a response. Leo was swaying on his feet. “Leo?”

“Huh?” Leo snapped out of his daze. “R-right…” His head felt foggy, and he had trouble concentrating. “We can handle six arms.”

“Six?” Donnie questioned, but the horn for the fight stopped him from pressing further.


The boys prepare for their next Battle Nexus fight, but the Yokai has other plans, and stealthily poisons Leonardo with a drug that would put him out of commission for the rest the game. This pisses off Raphael who activates Godai to defeat him.   Too tired from using godai, he is defeated by Usagi in the next round, but upon hearing what has happened to Leo, Usagi forfeits the fight to go find him, leaving Michelangelo as the only fighter left.
Febuary 21st, 2023
Chapter Number
The Big Mama
Read Here

Season 3


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