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Brokenwall Keep

  Brokenwall Keep is a partly-ruined castle in Summerlund on a cliff over-looking the Seawall Strait. It was formerly Seawall’s Keep, the baronial seat of the Seawall Family, but it was besieged and partly ruined by the Orcish Hordes during the Second Witching War.
  At the beginning of the War of the Three Heads, the keep was still held by Lord Tathios Seawall. It was one of the first places attacked in the conflict, and Lord Tathios was slain by Lurgrak, son of the Orc chieftain Gruzhgarn. Due to its strategic position overlooking the ocean, it changed hands several times during the first year of the war.
  Finally, it was recaptured by Lieutenant Daria Havengard of Phoenix Company and the Haven's Guard, who captured and imprisoned Lurgrak. This got the attention of the orcish commander Blurgruk, who laid siege to the Keep with the intent of rescuing his chief’s son. After a few weeks of siege, the Fire Wasps infiltrated the keep through the dungeons from the ocean below and reinforced Lt. Havengard’s position. Ultimately, this led to Gruzhgarn himself coming to retrieve his son personally. It can be argued that this led to the chieftain’s death at the hands of the Fire Wasps and turned the tide of the entire war.


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