Clapperclaw is a child-sized scarecrow who was often be found near the town of Downfall in the Feywild of Hither. He has large metallic blue-tinged lobster claws for hands, and his head is a magnicient stag's skull. He was temporarily forced to use a large gourd for a head after having tried numerous alternatives, because his skull was stolen by Agdon Longscarf's band of Harengon brigands. According to Jingle Jangle, he is one of the finest guides in Hither, capable of leading people into the neighboring kingdom of Thither.
He traveled with the Witchlight Court who returned his original head to him. After they freed the Arch-Fey Zybilna, she named him one of her special advisors, praising his great wisdom. He resides in the Palace of Heart's Desire.