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Damante Stormhammer

Damante Stormhammer is the Thane of Clan Stormhammer, a Dwarf clan that settled in Summerlund after the Second Witching War. She was the prisoner of hill giants on a small island near Sharbaduk, and her daughter, Briante Stormhammer, was a reluctant spy inside the Phoenix Company encampment at Wavewatch Gate.   After their capture by the terrible Jadwiga Threeheads, Briante was told that her mother’s continued survival depends on her service and usefulness to King Jorgensturm the Cruel. Now that she has been freed by the Fire Wasps, Damante’s future looks a lot brighter. She helped storm Castle Valkurath, and she and Briante have returned home following the war's end.


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