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Castle Valkurath

  Castle Valkurath was originally Castle Flamewatch, the southernmost tip of the Kingdom of Summerlund. It stood on the southwestern point of Sudwaine, the island-city, looking out over the Sea of Sunken Fires, close to the extinct volcano known as Mount Blackplume. When Orcs conquered the island, they renamed it Sharbaduk and gave the castle its new name, which means Blacksmoke.
  In 831 SKR, Mount Blackplume erupted, spewing lava and rock over the castle, and the orcs abandoned it. In 1080 SKR, however, it has become a bargaining chip, as the orc chieftain Klurbok offered the castle to the Fire Giant King Jorgensturm the Cruel in exchange for his aid in defending Sharbaduk against Prince Harbryn Thonwyr. It all came to naught. Jorgunsturm was slain by the Fire Wasps, and Prince Harbryn's alliance freed the castle. It has been garrisoned with Summerling soldiers once again.


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