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Jadwiga Threeheads

Jadwiga Threeheads was once a normal Frost Giant reaver, sailing from Jotunheld to raid along the northern shores of Aldorath. During a battle with Hastane warriors, however, she was struck down and left for dead. As she felt her life’s blood soaking the snow around her, she cast her mind out, desperately, begging for aid. Something terrible answered her, and she rose again to strike down her foes. She was now a devotee of Kelsharik the Bloodrager, one of the forbiden Gods of Tol. Under Kelsharik’s direction, she began to hunt a new prey…trolls.
  Jadwiga grew in power and became seemingly unkillable as she hunted and consumed trolls, but she mutated further and further away from what she had been. Soon her hunger was even more terrible, and she killed and devoured two suitors who sought her favor. If anyone was horrified when their heads grew next to hers on her body, they dared not speak. She became a legendary reaver, living far beyond normal frost giant years. She soon gained the epithet “Aevimathe”, the Everlasting One.
  Eventually, her ferocity drew the attention of the fire giant king, Jorgensturm the Cruel. He tempted her to come south with him to Sharbaduk, where an Orcish warlord named Klurbok promised the giants great riches in return for their help defeating Prince Harbryn Thonwyr of Summerlund. She carved out a niche for herself at Wavewatch Gate, and her frost giants used fell magic to make a section of the city within colder and more hospitable to her kind. She was also responsible for the capture of Damante Stormhammer, which allowed her to place a spy, Briante Stormhammer, in Prince Harbryn’s camp at Turtle Cove.
  When the Prince’s forces, led by the Fire Wasps, stormed Wavewatch Gate, Jadwiga and her raiders met them in battle. She was overwhelmed, although her regeneration brought her back into the fight once before magical acid was used to prevent her from returning once again. The so-called Everlasting One was no more.


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