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  The Dwarf city of Dammunheim was originally Drengingvult, a city that was built by Duergar under the Cloudraker Mountains in the Desolation of Azmartheon. They came out of the deeper Underdark, feeling the call of the fiendish energies left behind by The Rending. They did their mining under the mountains, finding a fortune in gold and jewels. Unfortunately, just as they were discovering a richness of Adamantine, their city was invaded by Uvalok the Devourer, a servant of Orcus.
  Uvalok called fiends out of the Abyss to kill the duergar, and, as the gray dwarves fell, Uvalok would bring them back as Undead under his control. Eventually, the whole city fell, and Uvalok began to rule over the city as its lord, with wights as his lieutenants. Before he could spread his vile influence further, however, Uvalok was defeated by the Fire Wasps. They had been traveling in Azmartheon with Darberik Fivebraids in search of the Adamantine some news reports had suggested to him might be there.
  Over a period of months, Darberik began to transform Drengingvult. It has been renamed Dammunheim – the Greenstone Haven – and he has been named Ar-Thane by the dwarves who traveled with him. Under his guidance, the city has begun to produce Adamantine goods, as well as mining gold and jewels. He has begun to trade with the Dragonborn cities of Lashakis to the south and Mahakazor to the north. Time will tell if Dammunheim becomes the dwarven kingdom he believes it could be.


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