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Rethamir Volantis (RETH-uh-meer vo-LAN-tus)

Rethamir Volantis seemed to be a Half-Elf Wizard of Tishad descent and some ability. He met the Crownseekers as they sought for the Crown of Heaven in Velnar and admitted that he had picked up their trail in Jaipal and had been following them. He evidenced that he had spoken to Writes with Ink, Fitri, and Abraxonathacus the Sapphire during his travels and had, apparently, won their trust. Since he seemed honest and shared information with them, the Crownseekers decided to keep company with him, although Ignatius Stoatmoor was concerned that he was under some kind of alteration magic.   Rethamir allowed Ignatius to copy spells from his spellbook, and even sold him the ink he needed to copy the spells. When asked, he admitted that he was disguising himself, but he said it was to avoid disturbing his new companions. He aided the group in battle, including against the Deadly Hemaraj. He observed the Visitor with them during the Hand Conjunction, then indicated he'd gained enough details to satisfy his patron.   In an epilogue scene, we discovered that Rethamir was an identity used by Shulreth and that his patron was the Lich Acererak.


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