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Ignatius Stoatmoor

Ignatius Stoatmoor is a Gnome Wizard specializing in the field of illusions. He was briefly a student at the Cerulean Academy, but he found the teachers too stuck up and the stultifying atmosphere not to his liking. He left...   Or at least, that's his story. The official school documents say something about a confidence scheme involving several students and Ignatius being removed bodily from the school before the end of his first year.   With his official studies behind him, Ignatius began picking up what he could from other wizards. Eventually his natural talents led him to the service of Lady Penny Cotta of Gwyllan's Watch. As a fellow gnome Lady Penny understood that smallfolk could sometimes be looked down on, and she found Ignatius very helpful in several perfectly legitimate endeavors.   Or at least, that's his story. Officially, there is no Lady Penny Cotta of Gwyllan's Watch, and the authorities of that city insist that she is an identity that he created for himself in order to swindle merchants out of their hard-earned gold.   Finding himself in need of further inducement to advance in the studies of magic, Ignatius accepted a commission from Façade and her Benefactor to head to Velnar to lend magical support to an expedition. In return, he'll be given possession of the spellbook library of Aloysius Kebblebantam.   And for once, it's true! Ignatius is headed to that far off continent with Hobb Gunderson, Kipap Shortlegs, Kylon Strongtusk, Misi, and Thomas Bontemps.


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