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Sonya Chamond

Sonya Chamond is the Human mother of Naali Chamond of the Fire Wasps and an Adventurer in her own right. Naali isn’t clear on what her mother did, exactly, but a contract was struck with Dispater in order to protect Naali. Naali was transformed by the contract’s terms into a Tiefling, and other opportunities and advantages came with it, including enhanced charisma and access to Summerlund’s nobility.
  Only a year or so later, Sonya was slain, and, as part of the contract, her soul became forfeit to Dispater. The Devil kept her soul in a flaming crystal, amused that, despite all the loopholes she’d built into her contract, a simple bit of ill luck had brought it all to naught. Still, he had to let it all play out.
  The contract was actually fulfilled by Naali and the Fire Wasps years later, and Sonya’s soul was released to go on to whatever afterlife awaited her naturally. Naali has yet to discover what that is, however.


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