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Naali Chamond

Naali Chamond, who goes and has gone by a number of other names, is a Tiefling Bard. She is the daughter of Sonya Chamond and a man Naali has never met. She was born Human, but, some time during her teenaged years, Sonya, who was an adventurer who had largely retired, went on one final adventure and didn't return. A few weeks after she left, Naali transformed, growing horns and a tail, and her skin turning a deep red. This transformation came with a number of other helpful traits, such as an affinity for some magics, preternatural charisma, and longevity beyond human years. As years went by, Naali realized she wasn't aging.   Naali spent over one hundred years honing her craft as a bard and spy, aiding whichever political factions she chose. She changed names many times and generally avoided any physical confrontations of taking sides. During a stint in Summerlund, however, she overheard soldiers and a mysterious figure in gray discussing an assassination attempt against Prince Harbryn Thonwyr, who had gone to war in the south against Orcs and Giants. Having some affection for the courteous prince and seeing an opportunity to gain further political traction, she determined to do something about it. Without evidence, she would be hard-pressed as an outsider to get word to His Highness or the Royal Family, so she sought out the adventurers called the Fire Wasps. To her mild annoyance, she found their time being taken up by a Frost Dwarf named Rubicus Chillbrow, but, as he was trying to get them to head south to attack the Fire Giant King @Jorgensturm the Cruel, this lent weight to her own entreaties.   Naali joined them as they headed to Sudwaine and sought out the Prince, helping put him on his guard. She also found herself swept up in the adventures the Fire Wasps had. This led to her fighting alongside them, meeting the Witch Queen, Adala Tarmoore, and slowly becoming friends with the various members of the group. Two hundred years of suspicion, self-reliance, and being someone who would cut and run began to be eroded as she grew in friendship with them. She was with them when the Tarrasque was freed by the Five Who Calll, and she realized she was part of something larger than herself. And when they traveled with her to Hell to seek out Dispater in order to help her renegotiate the contract her mother had forged with the Iron Duke, it cemented her bonds with them.   With the Fire Wasps, she traveled to the Abyss to slay General Luvarex, which was needed to end the contract with Dispater and free her mother's soul. Her mother was freed, but where the soul has gone after its passing, she doesn't know. It wasn't until some weeks later that she realized another side effect of the contract's end - she was now rapidly aging. Although she was doubtful of the use of it, she agreed to travel to Arenthus with the Fire Wasps and was shocked when Shandalene spoke kindly to her, telling her that her decision to help her mother was not in vain. She saw something of the effects of her decision when the Witch Queen, moved by the decisions Naali had made, gave her a lyre with potent supernatural powers.   Naali continued to travel with Fire Wasps on their quest to defeat the Tarrasque, often acting as a spokesperson to the various groups and nobles that the party met, using her knowledge of etiquette to smooth the way. Besides Adala's Lyre, she also came into possession of Illyria's Heart, which helped even more with her considerable skills of persuasion. She was entrusted with the power of the Wish spell by the shade of Yasmira al-Fashid, and she used it to send the Tarrasque back to the Sleep of Ages.


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