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The svanja are a boar-like race who inhabit the rocky western lands of the subcontinent of Thurinvald. They are more numerous and openly gregarious than their neighbors, the Burendain and Ulven, and they show little interest in ruling or matters of war. They are more than capable fighters when they must be, but they generally seem to prefer an agrarian lifestyle of peace and living the good life. Their passions run hot, however, and a svanja with their blood up is a terror to behold.   Svanja live their passions with an exuberance that could make an Elf blush. Anything they think is worth doing, they throw themselves into it with all their heart. As a result, they often learn a number of skills before settling on something and driving themselves to be the best example of that they can be. They organize into clans, and each clan is made up of many families. Within a family, there is often an occupation which dominates, such as smithing or wine-making, but all Svanja are encouraged to follow their freedom and passions, so it's not at all unsual to find a cobbler in a family of farmers, and adventurers can come from any family or clan.   Svanja are very proud of their tusks, much as Dwarves are their beards. They will often have their tusks scrimshawed in designs that echo their deeds, and they are fond of wearing tusk-bands of precious metals, or even having small gems set into the tusk itself. They also braid and dye their thick fur into patterns and create designs in colors that stand out in their natural colors, like crimson, turquoise, kelly green, indigo, and violet. They tend to favor loose clothing that compliments their stout and hardy physiques, for though they average shorter than many humans, they are on average broader as well.   Like the Burendain and the Ulven, the Svanja believe their race was lifted up from feral creatures by the Primal Spirits, and they give veneration to them gladly. Some have come to know of the religions of nearby Velnar, and worship of the triad of Gods called The Tinavri has gained some popularity among their clans. Indriathna the Binder, as a goddess of both nature and civilization, is of particular interest to them.   Svanja names are handed down through clans, and most Svanja will give you their first and clan names before they share their family names with you. The name of one's family is considered more personal and is usually only shared with close friends.   Male Svanja Names: Davi, Fyllip, Ivar, Lukka, Marko, Matej, Petar,   Female Svanja Names: Anaja, Emala, Lana, Marta, Mya, Pytra, Saraj   Svanja Clan Names: Broadflank, Gladeye, Ironhide, Seashield, Stonestride, Thicktusk   Svanja Family Names: Antunovar, Babakel, Bozoth, Bumbaryk, Hokvath, Kovachevyk, Novaryk, Zadyar


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