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Hailing from many different climes and places, the wolf-like ulven rarely intermingle with other races. They are a cautious people, rarely giving their trust to outsiders and preferring to live in the company of their insular, almost xenophobic packs. Ulven claim large stretches of wild terrain as their pack’s territory, hunting in a nomadic lifestyle that largely resembles that of an actual wolf-pack.   Ulven believe that they were raised up from normal Wolves by one of the Primal Spirits they call “the First Hunter”. They venerate the First Hunter, who called them up from four-legs to be the Spirit’s packmates. They will sometimes leave part of their hunt’s bounty for the First Hunter, normal wolves.   Ulven resemble large, humanoid wolves. They have a thick coat of fur all over their bodies, and their head has distinctly lupine features. Their claws are vestigial, but they retain their powerful jaws and can bite fiercely. They walk upright on plantigrade feet and have smaller tails than their four-legged cousins. Fur color is most commonly white and gray among Winter Ulven, or red and gray among Forest Ulven. Eyes are generally yellow, although green, brown, and hazel are also possible. Blue eyes are extremely rare and are often thought to denote a natural shaman.   Their builds are powerful but rangy, emphasizing speed over strength. They tend to favor loose clothing that lets their fur out to avoid overheating. Boots and shoes are very uncommon, as their hands and feet have thick pads that protect them as they walk or run.   Most ulven prefer to be left to their own devices, rarely desiring to meddle in the affairs of other races. They are often referred to as xenophobic by other peoples, but it is more truthful to say that they are wary, perhaps having picked up some of the natural hostility most Humans have towards normal wolves. They deliberately choose remote regions where they do not compete with others. The Forest Ulven know well those lands claimed by the Elves of Neldorin, for example, and give their hunting grounds a wide berth.   When outsiders do stray into their territory, however, they are met first with warnings and then with ferocity. They are unwilling to give up or share their territories with anyone, as many hunters find to their terror. If a hunter properly placates the pack, however, the ulven can become more accepting, in some cases even “adopting” hunters from other races into their social structure.   In some rare cases, a curious young ulven may decide to leave the pack behind and go out as a “lone wolf”, seeking adventure, or following an important personal quest. It is almost always this situation which creates ulven Adventurers. These ulven usually come to feel like their adventuring party is a new “pack”, and some never return to the old one.   Ulven live in harmony with nature as best they can. They do not build homes, preferring a nomadic existence. They do, however, make tents out of animal hides, and all have a karruk, a collection of bones, fetishes, shells, stones, and other natural items that they hang on the doorway of their tent as an identifier. Lone wolves out for travel often carry an item from their family’s karruk with them, wearing it as they travel and hanging it on their door or over their bed to feel that they’re carrying their pack with them.   There are few Clerics among the ulven, as they often follow the Druidic ways, but their clerics tend to venerate Gods of nature as well. Druids are far more common, and they are treated with great veneration.
Ulven have secret names only used among other ulven. These names are almost never given to outsiders, unless an ulven comes to consider someone close enough to be like a packmate. They keep public names that they use among outsiders, in those cases when they trade with others.     Male Names: Aharak, Gerrar, Turvek, Ulvath Female Names: Beshara, Dothkai, Eluhana, Verree Clan Names: Greywind, Keeneye, Sharpnose, Swiftpaw


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