Ghuf Character in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Eglath Lonehunter Ogolakanu (a.k.a. Ghuf)

My true name is Eglath Lonehunter Ogolakanu. I come from the fringes of the High Ice near Hartsvale. I watched my brother Aukan Dawncaller murdered by the clan chief Orilo Wordpainter. I attacked him but was far too outmatched. He nearly killed me as well but I managed to survive. The clan chief was highly respected but knew my brother would take his place if he continued to gain strength. That is why he murdered him in the forest.   Shamed by my inability to save my brother and being outmatched physically I left my village in dishonor. I fight for those less powerful than myself with the goal of one day redeeming my brother and killing the clan chief in battle. I must prove myself first by gaining both strength and wisdom. My companions know me as Ghuf. I would prefer to keep anonymous until I am ready to retake what was rightfully my brothers and set things right for the Ogolakanu goliaths. Know tell me sword who are YOU!

Physical Description

Body Features

Grey and extremely tough skin with darker vertically symmetrical patches of skin that covered his entire body like rorschach blots. Hairless
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey with dark vertically symmetrical line spots
280–340 lbs.


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