Honor Character in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Honor was born Ralira Daanaath in the Beggar’s Nest neighborhood of Neverwinter.       Her father, Guemos Daanaath, is a low-level lackey in the Daanaath crime family and part-time Sannish  dealer. Guemos is the shunned older brother of Mirach Daanaath IV the leader of the crime organization run out of the family-owned casino, but Guemos has proven to be too much of a fuckup to be trusted with much responsibility. He mostly hangs around the casino peddling sannish, dipping into his supply, and gambling away what little money he actually has while leeching off of the family's name, wealth, and power.     Ralira’s mother, Nahiri Estiemont, was a highly sought-after, beautiful young tiefling in her time, until she met Guemos. The two had a tumultuous love affair with many public fights and ups and downs. Guemos began dealing sannish a year into their relationship and it wasn’t long before Nahiri became a heavy user. After giving birth to Ralira and her siblings Dharmos and Mithlia, Nahiri slipped deeper into her addiction and became non-functional. She has never worked to provide for her family, or taken much care of them for that matter. The only drive she has is to get more sannish, occasionally whoring herself out when Guemos is unable to keep up with her needs. Nahiri has permanent blue stains around her mouth from her frequent use of sannish, further marring her faded beauty.   With these poor excuses for parents, most of the care of the home and her siblings fell to Ralira. She did her best to meet their needs, working in the family-owned casino from a very young age in exchange for food and other necessities. But Ralira was hardly treated as family, or even as an employee by other members of the organization. She was their slave. The debts her father incurred around town were tallied up against Ralira and she was forced to work grueling hours as payback. As the debts tallied up it was clear she would never be free from them, nor did her uncle have any intention of the debt ever falling off. "Sins of the father" Mirach IV would say to her. As Ralira got older, it became clear that she would have to run away if she were to ever be free.   Many times her younger brother, Dharmos, tried to take a job in the casino to help Ralira, hoping that their combined efforts would pay down the debts faster. Ralira, fiercely protective of both of her siblings, vehemently refused to ever let him step foot in the casino. As she toiled away doing the most menial tasks, she was carefully plotting her escape with her siblings. She was careful not to share the plan with anyone, even Dharmos and Mithlia, for fear of being found out by her uncle's men. Aside from the back-breaking labor, Ralira faced constant harassment from her uncle's minions. As she grew older and more beautiful, their attentions became lewder and she was constantly rebuffing advances from members of The Family and casino patrons alike.       One day, now 19, Ralira was scrubbing the floors near the loading docks of the casino when she heard a strange sound. It was a crying out, but she couldn’t tell if it was person or animal. She went to investigate and found her uncle's minions leading a dozen or more chained-up women and girls from a huge wagon under the scrutinous eye of Thaddeus Mavromichali-Nottle Eqsuire. These girls and women were of many different races—humans, elves, halflings—and they were all beautiful. They looked half-starved and filthy, as if they had been in the wagon for a very long time. Some of them looked to be dressed in what was once fine clothing, others in practically rags. Her uncle's associate had several times offered her work in the brothel the family ran, saying she could pay off her debts faster, but she had refused. Is this where these women were headed?       Ralira had gaped in the doorway for a bit too long and was spotted by one of the enforcers who started towards her. She knew the time had come, she had no choice but to escape as quickly as she could. She bolted off running as fast as she could towards her house in the Beggar’s Nest, trying to shake her pursuers as best she could. When she got to the house, she dragged her siblings out of the house and towards the broken city wall and Neverwinter Wood beyond it, telling them nothing other than they had to leave and they had to go NOW.   The three tiefling siblings ran as fast as they could through Neverwinter Wood, but Mithlia was so young, only 9 years old, and she struggled to keep up. As they grew weary and slowed their pace, the enforcers closed in on them, ultimately catching up with them and snatching up Ralira. They held her up by her long hair and unceremoniously slit her throat in full view of her siblings. They left her there in the woods and dragged her screaming siblings back to town.       Some time later, Ralira awoke. She was no longer in the wood, but instead in a shadowy, freezing cold room, on what looked to be a floor made of ice. She arose and brought her hands to her neck, but there was no wound there. She looked up and saw a terrifyingly beautiful woman dressed in flowing pitch-black robes, flanked by several ravens.       Before Ralira could ask the woman where she was, the woman introduced herself as the Raven Queen. She explained to Ralira that she had watched her from The Shadowfell, seen her strong sense of morality, and had decided to grant her another chance at life, if she would accept it. Ralira started to nod emphatically yes—she could go back for her siblings and save them—but the Raven Queen cut her off.       The Queen explained that if she took the second chance at life, she would imbue her with powers only available to her patrons, making Ralira a warlock. Yes, she would have a chance to live again, but she would be required to go where the Raven Queen sent her, and do her bidding.        
"While I have deemed you worthy to be spared from death, there are too many in this realm who cheat it unfairly. These undead threaten my kingdom, and I need my trusted agents to assist me in stamping out these vile beings. You will be transported near and far in order to carry out my will, often without warning. I will communicate with you through your dreams, which often will feel like nightmares. It will not be an easy life, but it will be life."
      Ralira let the Raven Queen's words sink in. Did she really want to be someone's servant again? Was being alive but indebted to yet another person better than death? Then she thought of Dharmos Daanaath and Mithlia —they were worth it. She may not have a lot of agency in this restored life, but she would have more than she did under the thumb of the Daanaath Clan. She would do whatever she could to get back to her siblings, to free them from the hell they were trapped in.       She looked up at The Raven Queen . The woman and her many ravens stared at Ralira intensely, their coal-black eyes piercing into her.       "I accept."       In her restored life, Ralira has chosen the name Honor, both to shed the shame of her origin and set intention to her new existence. She travels around the world with her raven familiar, carrying out the bidding of the Raven Queen.       As a result of her past pain and traumas, Honor is fiercely independent, almost to a fault. She trusts hardly anyone and avoids contact with others as much as possible aside from getting what she needs for the Raven Queen's missions.       Because of her past, she is incredibly resourceful and a survivalist. She has always been naturally charming, but as she has moved through missions from her patron she has learned to hone her charisma in order to get what she needs from others.       Honor does try her best to live up to her name, she made a promise to herself to not be like her family and never lie, cheat, or steal. The one lie she maintains is about her family, and it's mostly to protect herself from the wrath of the Daanaath clan. She tells those that ask that she is from Waterdeep and her small family was killed in a tragic accident.       Honor has taken on a lot of extra burdens on herself to distance herself from her family as much as possible. As a child and teenager, seeing the opulent lifestyle the other members of the Daanaath clan lived left her burning with envy. She has always been attracted to fine things and comforts, but in an effort to resist what she sees as a slippery slope into evil, she refuses herself even the smallest luxuries. Honor never sleeps a night indoors if she can help it, opting instead for pitching a simple tent wherever she can find a hideout.
1467 DR 1486 DR 19 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Porcelin white


Warlock 3 Class & Level
Tiefling Race
Any Alignment

Total Hit Dice
Hit Die 0
0 proficiency bonus
0 Passive perception
0 Strength
0 Dexterity
0 Constitution
0 Intelligence
0 Wisdom
0 Charisma
saving throws
0 Acrobatics
0 Animal Handling
0 Arcana
0 Athletics
0 Deception
0 History
0 Insight
0 Intimidation
0 Investigation
0 Medicine
0 Nature
0 Perception
0 Performance
0 Persuasion
0 Religion
0 Sleight of Hands
0 Stealth
0 Survival


Hit Points





Personality Traits




Features & Traits


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