Gale Whisperwind Character in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Gale Whisperwind

Born into a family that was split, i wasnt supposed to happen. Smuggled around from birth, I was bullied because i looked different. I often put on a fake face; which can be a pro and a con. im likable to people but they never know the true side of me. The one person i trusted was my master. introduced when he adopted me at 6 and started to train me in the way of the sword. As my skills grew I learned to use my natural abilities as a genasi to get an advantage in combat. Various different forms of combat were shown to me but dual wielding always peaked my interest. i learned to use two swords like the very air itself. My master also taught me to be smart. Battle strategy and rules of combat were drilled into my head. By 15 I was following my master on jobs. Protectors he called us, and i believed him. On a clear afternoon they came and on that clear afternoon, they killed. As what i thought were raiders stormed our dojo, bodies pilled up. I did as i was train: i analyzed and i hid. under the floor boards i went, where i could hear the screams of ever person they killed. As they got to the main room my master was waiting. Sword drawn he knew what was coming but i didn't. My master was drawn in chains. "Why was he different?" i thought. A Elf entered the room and i knew something was wrong. "You killed my daughter and for what a few coins?!?" she yelled My master just stared, coldly "Yes and for that coin i would do it again" "I shall make you pay for what you have done" and she slit his stomach. As he lay on the floor bleeding our eyes meet and i just held my breath. Not wanting to scream or make any noise i remained there for hours and just thought. Had i really know the man that was my master. I trusted him but he had a whole other side to him but that's when it dawned on me. This world is cruel and unforgiving. nothing will be handed to me. I remained there, under the floorboards covered in my master's blood and that's when i knew i would do what i needed to do to survive. I crawled out and vowed to use the skills my master had taught me to survive. I set out into the world and began my career as a sell sword. Over the next 5 years i have done what i have needed to do to survive and polish my skills.


Elkantar Daevyth

Mentor and Sensei (Important)

Towards Gale Whisperwind



Gale Whisperwind

Pupil (Vital)

Towards Elkantar Daevyth




Elkantar took in and trained Gale from a young age. Eventually even taking him on missions.

Current Location


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