Vanros Ronnoc Character in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Vanros Ronnoc

Vanros Ronnock is his formal name and in his town, he was Lord Ronnock. But now he also answers to Van from his friends. He is 35 years old, so very young for a sorcerer, while he has had some formal training now, he is still figuring out his powers.   Vanros is not flashy, but the clothes he wears are very stylish and expensive. He wears clothes that hide his somewhat scaly skin as it has been turning more to dragon scales as he has learned more as a sorcerer. While stylish, he actually appears a bit book-ish at first glance but under closer inspection he appears very fit and one can see the dragon scales peaking out under his clothing.   Vanros was raised in a very well todo family, his father ( Avourel Ronnoc ) was the most successful merchant in town and probably in all nearby towns. While maybe not officially a noble in the kingdom, they were treated as such and Vanros had friends when he was younger but they never really accepted him. They had the largest house by far in their town It was not quite a castle, but it had fortifications and defenses, defenses from what he was never sure. Van's never really knew his mom but he is told she died when he was very young. His father never remarried and thus he has no siblings. Based on some whispers by friends and other townsfolk he has overheard in town, his mom’s death was never fully explained and is looked at as a mystery, foul play even to many. But most seem too scared to say anything like that out loud.   His father, as the most successful business person in town seemed to be respected, but as Vanros grew older he could tell it was fear more than respect. As a father, he was very demanding of Vanros when he was younger and expected perfection in everything he did. In addition to the servants who helped teach Van when he was young, his father brought in private tutors from across the kingdom. He was trained by some of the best fighters and scholars. They had Vanros training and learning all day. They made sure Vanros was an able fighter, and he excelled with his crossbow. They pushed him to study all types of books and languages.   During some of his intense training sessions, occasionally Vanros would be frustrated with his tutor and next thing he knew things would catch on fire or someone would get burnt. This left Vanros very confused, but it was waived off as an accident but he could sense his tutors weren’t telling him something.   Ever since he was old enough to understand, his father explained that his destiny was to take over the family business. Being the only family he really knew, he accepted that, but other than those short conversations, he was did not get to spend much time with his father.   Right before Vanros turned 20 he almost stumbled in on some strange screeching, he quickly could tell that his father was not talking in Common tongue, but he could somehow understand this language he had not studied. His father was begging for mercy from what looked like a dragon. He stood just outside of view and heard the Dragon say that he gave him his power and he needed to keep his end of the bargain. More was discussed about how he was able to get rid of any of his competition and was able to invoke fear in everyone to create the success he had. Then he overheard the dragon telling his father that since his son was born under this unlawful agreement with the dragon and as his father had sacrificed his wife in the process his son born out of that sacrifice would grow to be even more powerful than his father.   Vanros' eyes were opened for the first time. The training 'accidents' began to make sense. He awoke to a new reality, even though it was the only family he knew, he did not want to be a part of it. He did not want to take over a family business that was built on lies and fear. The next time his father was away on a business trip to a town many days away, he left town and sought out a mentor to help him understand what his special powers were. While he did take as much of his family fortune as he could carry, including his fine clothing, he swore as he left the large castle, that he would not use his powers to unjustly profit at the expense of others.   He left town and sought out a mentor at Silverymoon which he knew was renowned for their knowledge of magic. A sorcerer took him under his wing and helped him realize his potential as a draconc sorcerer. He spent a little over 10 years at Silverymoon and then set out to hone his skill and see if he could repay to 'regular folk' the debt that was owed by his father taking so much from people. He did not want to confront his father or return to his town so he ventured around from city to city.   Fault/Fear: Vanros’ father, when Van was very young, in order to try to teach him how to swim, threw him in a nearby lake and he almost drowned. He never fully learned how to swim. Ever since, while he doesn’t like to admit it publicly, he has a major fear of water and will even avoid getting on boats when he can.   Secrets: When he was studying, his father always had a secret book with nothing but the image of a brass dragon on the cover that he was unable to access. Vanros stole that when he left home. He doesn't go back near his hometown because of fear that his father wants this book back. In fact the fear is in the back of his mind that his father would send someone after him.   While he was considered a noble for 20 years, Vanros now tries to relate and also feels an obligation to the 'common folk'. However, even though he tries and really wants to help, 20 years of formative upbringing still cause him to feel just a bit superior to most people. This is not intentional, but when his guard is down, it definitely irritates people.   A guilty pleasure of Vanros is wine and song. He doesn't care for ale as much as the wine, likely due to his upbringing. He also likes finer foods and often misses the home cooked meals by the family cook when he is on his adventures.   Vanros also loves music of all kinds, he was never able to learn an instrument as his father felt it was a distraction to his other studies. Whenever he had the chance though, he would sneak off to town to hear the bards and minstrels entertain at the local taverns. He sometimes annoys his travel mates with his constant whistling and singing under his breath.
Year of Birth
1456 DR 41 Years old

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