Daanaath Family Organization in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Daanaath Family

The Daanaath crime family rose to prominence during the years following Time of Troubles. As gods walked among mortals for the last time, many questioned their faith and looked to Nasher Alagondar

Articles under Daanaath Family

Malbolge and the first Daanaath

0 1360 DR

Time before the first Daanaath.   Ger'gimuz in Malbolge Leilani born, orphaned   The Deal   The Swap

First Daanaath Dynasty

1360 DR 1380 DR

Mirach Daanaath I creates his family dynasty.

  • 1364 DR

    Mirach Daanaath II - Birth
    Life, Birth

Second Daanaath Dynasty

1380 DR 1435 DR

  • 1385 DR

    1395 DR

    The Spellplague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Spellplague is a malady that struck Realmspace on 29th Tarsakh, 1385 DR and was caused by Mystra's assassination at the hands of Cyric and Shar. With the goddess's death, the Weave, the universal structure of arcane forces, convulsed. It continued for a decade, leading to the Wailing Years, during which time arcane magic ceased to function and the planet of Toril was transformed.

  • 1402 DR

    Mirach Daanaath III - Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 1421 DR

    Eruption of Mt. Hotenow
    Disaster / Destruction

    Mount Hotenow erupts and destroys most of city. A great chasm is torn through the south-eastern sector due to the ensuing earthquake.

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Third Daanaath Dynasty

1423 DR 1478 DR

  • 1445 DR

    Mirach Daanaath IV - Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 1447 DR

    1468 DR

    Rebuilding of Neverwinter
    Construction beginning/end

    City is taken over by Dagult Neverember, Lord of Waterdeep. He is responsible for the rebuilding of Neverwinter to its former glory.

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    Dagult Neverember
  • 1461 DR

    Birth - Ralira Daanaath
    Life, Birth

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Fourth Daanaath Dynasty

1478 DR and beyond


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