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Delimbiyr Vale

The Delimbiyr Vale, also known as the Shining Valley, is an area in the Savage Frontier encompassing the upper reaches of the Delimbiyr River. The vale is a nigh-endless stretch of sweeping valley that attracts travelers and settlers who would brave life in the Savage Frontier. However, parts of it are forsaken, filled with falling ruins, monsters, and ancient secrets.   It's most notable settlement is the town of Loudwater, where the Green Regent is chosen each Shieldmeet


The Vale is bounded on the north by the Nether Mountains and to the south by the South Wood. The western edge is the High Forest but no part of the High Forest is considered a part of the Vale. The eastern edge is ill-defined but does include the Fallen Lands, once a part of Netheril.   Two areas of the Delimbiyr Vale are often referred to as Upvale and Grey Vale by the locals; Upvale is an area of open grasslands in the northern Delimbiyr Vale between Tall Trees and the Far Forest. Grey Vale is in the southwest and consists of the area of grasslands through which the rivers Greyflow and Loagrann flow. Travel through Grey Vale is often dangerous due to bugbear raids.  

Geographic Features

Bodies of Water
  • Delimbiyr River: The great river runs all the way through the valley before emptying into the Lizard Marsh.
  • Loagrann: This river flows through a part of the Greypeaks, at the landmark of Deadstone Cleft.
  • Far Forest: This grove forms the northern point of the Triangle of Trees.
  • Laughing Hollow: Seldom visited by men, this fey-inhabited forest is home to the wild elf known as the King of the Woods.
  • Misty Forest
  • South Wood: The aptly-named southern portion of the Triangle of Trees is home to a Zhentarim stronghold.
  • Greypeak Mountains: The rocky mountains in the eastern region of the Vale earned their name from the stone giants that dwell amongst their peaks.
  • Dawn Pass: One of the few passes that cuts through the Greypeak Mountains, the Dawn Pass is the only route that could accommodate wagons.
  • Seshrentor: This tower in the Greypeaks was once home to a powerful lich.
  • Grey Vale: The fertile, south-eastern stretch of the valley passes between Loudwater and the Dawn Pass Trail.
  • Fallen Lands: Located in the eastern region of the vale, this area holds a number of old ruins and magical anomalies.
  • Upvale: The northern stretch of the valley seperated the Tall Trees of the High Forest, from the Far Forest to the east.
  • Lonely Moor: This solitary scrub land is located near the Anauroch Desert.
  • Lizard Marsh: Before the Delimbiyr River opens into the Trackless Sea, it forms this network of streams, waterways and swampland.


The Barony of Steeping Falls was formed on the northern back of the Delimbiyr River, in the Year of the Arduous Journey, 133 DR, by the vampire Artor Morlin. It would stand for almost three centuries before succumbing to dissolution.   A half century later, in the Year of the Murmuring Dead, 183 DR, the kingdom of Athalantar was founded by the Stag King, Uthgrael Aumar. The king and his son both oversaw the realm for some time, before it was taken over by the powerful magelords. The Kingdom of the Stag was freed from their unjust rule by the chosen of Mystra, Elminster Aumar, and saw prosperity for over a century. Unfortunatley, Athalantar was wiped out by a horde of marauding orcs in the Year of the Cantobele Stalking, 342 DR.   For hundreds of years, the demonic forces of Hellgate Keep controlled the upper stretch of the Delimbiyr Vale, but the fall of that ancient citadel in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, put an end to its authority in the region.
Alternative Name(s)
Shining Valley
River Basin
Location under

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