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Savage Frontier

The Savage Frontier is the region of northwest Faerûn north of the Delimbiyr River, excluding the Sword Coast North, the High Forest, and the Silver Marches (once the former nation of Luruar).   In contrast to the civilized cities found to the south and west, the Savage Frontier comprises mostly rural farmsteads and rough settlements of miners and loggers.   It is a temperate land, with a rugged landscape that is rich with natural resources.


  • Savage Frontier
    The Savage Frontier is the region of northwest Faerûn north of the Delimbiyr River, excluding the Sword Coast North, the High Forest, and the Silver Marches (once the former nation of Luruar).   In contrast to the civilized cities found to the south and west, the Savage Frontier comprises rural farmsteads and rough settlements of miners and loggers.   It is a temperate land, with a rugged landscape that is rich with natural resources.
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  • 300 DR

    300 DR

    The first Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    Guev'Ressunvee, a young green dragon, is chosen by the goddess Mielikki as her champion, the first Green Regent.

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  • 1315 DR

    17 Mirtul - The Melting

    A Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    Nanathlor Greysword is chosen by Mielikki when he refuses to slaughter her avatar, a unicorn, which Pasuuk Rensha had him hunting.

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  • 1344 DR


    A Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    Kalahar Twohands is chosen as Green Regent.

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  • 1356 DR

    29 Flamerule - Summertide

    The lord of Llorkh is murdered.
    Life, Death

    Phintarn "Redblade", lord of Llorkh, is murdered.

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  • 1356 DR

    30 Flamerule - Summertide

    A new lord of Llorkh is elevated.
    Political event

    Geildarr becomes lord of Llorkh after the murder of Phintarn "Redblade", the previous lord. Dwarves start disappearing in Llorkh.

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  • 1357 DR

    Eleasis - Highsun

    A new Beastmaster arrises east of Waterdeep.
    Disaster / Destruction

    Rumours are rampant in the lands east of Waterdeep that a new Beast Lord, a term given to those who breed rare, dangerous monsters such as owlbears and gorgimera, has arisen, as monsters associated with such men are suddenly increasing in number and seem to be working in concert.

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  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    An earthquake occurs upriver of Daggerford.
    Geological / environmental event

    An earthquake in the vicinity of the Laughing Hollow releases an unknown pollutant into the River Delimbiyr downriver of the site. Livestock that drink from the river die in large numbers and Daggerford has to rely on its wells and cisterns for drinking water until the source of the pollution is stemmed.

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  • 1358 DR

    Alturiak - the Claw of Winter

    Forced south by harsh winter conditions, trolls attack Yartar.
    Military action

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  • 1358 DR

    15 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers 17:00

    The Time of Troubles begins when Lord AO casts out the gods.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Time of Troubles is precipated when the gods Bane and Myrkul try to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity, AO. Fed up with the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord AO relegates every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on Toril.

  • 1358 DR

    Eleint - The Fading
    1358 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Nesmé is attacked by the Griffon tribe in Eleint and surrenders to them in Uktar.
    Military action

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  • 1358 DR

    Marpenoth - Leafall

    Rebellion in Llorkh.
    Political event

    • A dwarf rebellion broke out in Llorkh. Jarbarkas, who joined the Waterdhavian volunteer force aiding the resistance, was captured after a Zhentarim ambush. Despite being interrogated by Geildarr Ithym, Jarbarkas refused to divulge information, so Geildarr animated a giant skeleton to kill the prisoner, but he was saved by the Heroes of Ascore and the dwarven resistance force. The Heroes proceeded to enter the Lord's Keep, defeating Geildarr and his female companion Cortarra to rescue Jarbarkas and Siulajia.
    • The evil enchantress Cortarra was killed in a battle against the Heroes of Ascore.

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  • 1358 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    The city of Nesmé rejects its theocracy.
    Political event

    Following the Godswar, the priesthood of Waukeen loses its hold over the city of Nesmé, as Waukeen was apparently dead and Nesmé's temple dissolved. Tessarin Alaurun, a staunch opponent of the theocracy, called for and then organized an election wherein the large population of adventurers living in the town at the time led the voting. They elected a council that was more focused on the town's defense than it's wealth and Tessarin became First Speaker

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  • 1368 DR


    A Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    Galaer Grasswave is chosen as Green Regent

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  • 1369 DR

    The Green Regent is killed
    Life, Death

    Galaer Grasswave killed by Malarites in a raid on Loudwater during a blood moon

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  • 1372 DR


    A Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    In a surprise that shocked all of Loudwater, Otar the Orc chieftan is chosen as the Green Regent during the ceremony of the Scions at the Shieldmeet of 1372. The Circle of the Stag is accused of somehow tricking the holy ceremony, or outright blasphemy against Mielikki.

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    Green Regent
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