The Torcatl Empire

The Torcatl Empire is a warmongering empire that seeks to control anything and everything.  It exists in a constant state of open warfare with the other nations of Torr. However, for the past decade the Empire has remained quiet and has not engaged in open hostilities with the other nations.  Even still, the other nations keep watch over the Empire in case that should ever change.

All male citizens within the Empire are tested for any form of adventuring aptitude upon reaching their teenage years.  Some lucky souls will be assigned a domestic role such as a crafter or gatherer, but the vast majority are conscripted into one of the empire's adventuring guilds which are really just military units with a fancy name. While in a guild, the new recruits will be trained in whatever role they have an aptitude for.  They will then spend the remainder of their adult years serving for their assigned guild.

The Torcatl Empire is inspired by the elements of Ice and Earth and follows the gods Halone The Fury and Althyk The Keeper
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System

Cautious Trade

Athara enjoys an uneasy trading relationship with the empire.  Athara endeavors to play both sides of a conflict as much as it can. While this doesn't please many of the other nations, it does keep the empire's guns pointed the other direction.

Cold Warfare

The Empire is currently at war with most nations within Torr. However, there are currently no active conflicts. That said, conflict could resume at any time...

Cold Warfare

The Empire is currently at war with most nations within Torr. However, there are currently no active conflicts. That said, conflict could resume at any time...

Cold Warfare

The Empire is currently at war with most nations within Torr. However, there are currently no active conflicts. That said, conflict could resume at any time...