The Axomar Alliance of Architecture, Industry, and Inquiry

The Axomar Alliance is a Meritocracy that focuses on building and inventing. The adventuring guilds within the Axomar Alliance have significant crafting and gathering divisions while still sporting skilled combat divisions as well. These combat divisions are primarily used for protecting the crafters and gatherers while on expeditions. Some enterprising individuals within the alliance will focus on both combat as well as crafting/gathering.
Promotions within the Axomar Alliance's guilds is based on merit. Should a high-ranking individual in a guild show more skill than the current guild master, that individual may challenge the guild master to a battle of succession. These battles typically involve a series of challenges that showcase the skills the guild specializes in such as smithing, combat, and so on. The government of the Axomar Alliance is made up of a council of all the guild leaders. Founding a new guild within the alliance requires approval of the council and happens rarely.

The Axomar Alliance is inspired by the elements of Lightning and Fire and follows the gods Byregot The Builder and Azeyma The Warden
Geopolitical, Country
Government System

Trading Parners

Athara enjoys a healthy trading relationship with the Axomar Alliance

Open Conflict (Informal)

The Black Skull Armada attacks the ships of all it comes into contact with. However, the Axomar Alliance has no specific quarrels with the Armada.  The Alliance regards the Armada as nothing more than a terrorist organization.

Cold Warfare

The Empire is currently at war with most nations within Torr. However, there are currently no active conflicts. That said, conflict could resume at any time...