Ironbeak Famly

The Ironbeak Family is a Lesser Salvan House that serves as a vassal to House Lanne; they are one of six knighthoods that occupy the bountiful Heartlands and serve the Lannes.   The Ironbeaks are an older, knighted family whose original surname was never really known and was replaced by the familial name they use today. The family's first knighted son was a pauper farmboy, named Otto, who took a ox hoof to the face in his youth and somehow survived the skull-caving blow and was forced to wear an iron half-mask to keep his skull and jaw in place for the rest of his days. He served in the levys of House Lanne where he would take an ax to his iron face that was meant for a lordling Lanne's throat during an orc raid. When he woke from the battle some weeks later, he was cleaned, clothed, and covered in a Lanne banner in Miserth Castle. Otto Ironbeak was knighted for his service and dedication to his liege-lord. He went on to live a long and relatively normal life and had seven children. The signature mask he'd been confined to and was buried with was copied, crudeness and all, and is worn by his successors in ceremony and in court as an homage to the surname-less, first knight of the Ironbeak Family.   Today, the Ironbeaks provide the finest plow oxen and tools to the farmers of the Heartlands, of which House Vyrion and their citizens are the largest buyers as they have some of the largest spanses of farmland outside of the Lannes.
Founding Date
636 ATS
Parent Organization