Romeri Family

House Romeri is a barony that oversees the southern borders of Bay Watch near the Southern Lands. The Romeris are an ancient house that can trace its line to the infancy of the Empire and are one of the more decorated warrior families in both Salvae and greater Kalbela. Despite the halls and court of House Romeri being filled with astute fighters and tacticians and being a powerfully political family that in Ages past have many noted victories throughout their and the Empire's history; they are still a vassal house to House Balor who they are subservient to due to the magical prowess of the Viscountess, despite the youth of House Balor in comparison to their own.   From the hill-covered landscape, atop Monkfolk Hill in the castle of High Point Baron Hector Romeri, a noted swordsman and warrior himself, currently leads the house and is in the laborious process of settling inheritances and land-rights for his many daughters and grooming his newborn son for his eventual succession in the coming decades.   House Romeri's influence generally encompasses the western-most peak of the Broken Spine and the southern Twin River south of the small prospector town of Torrin.


The barony of House Romeri holds the fealty of three knighthoods and the fealty of his daughter, the Baronetess of Oar's Rest and her husband Ser Osmond Giffard, the third knight.


The Romeris pride themselves on their warrior culture and their swordcraft. The House as a whole tends to shun magic in its more chaotic form although the House employs and supports many orders of clergy and paladins that swear fealty to them. But these practitoners tend to be as far as their tolerance of, and skill to deal with, magic goes.   House Romeri are skilled warriors and huntsmen, ever eager to display their skills and valor and a major milestone for a Romeri noble and their vassals is the traditional, coming-of-age hunt, know as The Wild Hunt.


House Romeri employs some of the finest weaponsmiths in Bay Watch and their House and its soldiers are well-armed and armored as a result.   House Romeri controls the small riverside village of Oar's Rest and the River Willow Villa through the baron's third daughter, Andrea Giffard.


House Romeri follows a healthy mix of deities of war, combat, and martial prowess across the Pantheons of Trorune, however Tempus is the primary deity that is honored in the family's chapel. The Raven Queen, Helm, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Haela Brightaxe, Solonor Thelandira, and Corellon Larethian all have minor shines and idols for offerings in the chapel and throughout High Point as well. While war and combat hold the largest sway of the family's devotees, many of the ladies of House Romeri offer praise and worship to Eldath.

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