Mailara Sarlynn (My-lar-ah Sar-lin)

Consular of Arcana

Mailara Sarlynn came to the Salvae capital when she was a girl under the wing of Jacen Losiatri, one of the Magi-Corps most senior war mages and an instructor at the Academy of Arine, who found her around The Twained Mountain. He brought her back to the academy for training, considering he'd found her unconscious with a leather-bound, arcane tome clutched against her chest.   She would spend several decades delving into the arcane arts and she would pass on her skills to many of the students that passed through the academy's doors in her short elven life before her skills would catch the ear and attentions of the Twenty-Eighth Emperor and he brought her into his service as a court scribe and mage. Her ethereal blue-tinted skin and silver hair have become a common sight and a staple in the Imperial Palace and across the Empiric District for more than a century. She would rise to the rank of Consular of Arcana under the Thirty-fourth Emperor, Aron Volker early in his rule and she has continued to consult his son Lucian since his abrupt assentation to the throne, whilst also teaching at the academy. Her skill and understanding of the arcane has a strong reputation and few in the capital, outside of the academy, can compare to her.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Consular of Arcana
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
10th Day of Deep Winter, 742 ATS
Year of Birth
742 ATS 258 Years old
Current Residence
Dark, Sapphire Blue flecked with Gold
Long, Straight, Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair-skinned with a Light Ethereal Blue Tint
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Draconic, Dwarvish, Infernal