Solomon Kordev

Marquess Solomon Kordev (a.k.a. The Winged Viper)

Solomon Kordev, the Marquess of Damarel, is a highly distinguished knight in his mid-fifties. Standing just under six feet tall, he possesses a solid and imposing build that bears the physical marks of his many years on the battlefield. His greying hair is cropped short, and his stern face is adorned with a well-groomed, greying beard and hazel eyes. His family originally hails from The Gold Plains and he specialized in desert combat.   Clad in a gleaming set of bronze half-plate emblazoned with his familial crest, the winged, black viper of Damarel, Solomon presents a formidable figure. The armor shows signs of wear and battle, a testament to the countless conflicts he has faced throughout his military career. On his belt, he carries a magnificent warhammer with a polished steel head engraved with intricate Dwarvish runes. At his side, he wears a targe-styled shield, expertly crafted and affixed with the emblem of the Grand Army of Salvae, a blue field with a pair of red laurels surrounding a white, rampant stag, blazoned on its face.   Solomon's pedigree well-prepared him for the conflicts that would occupy most of his early twenties. Being taught and trained in various forms of war and statecraft from his formative years as a squire for his father and a few of his father's bannermen through his late-teens, when he, and others of the generation, would take up arms to defend the emperor. He is a veteran of numerous campaigns and earned a reputation for his bravery and tactical acumen during The Salvae Revolution, where he would earn a knighthood along with several other honors over the course of the near decade-and-half war. When the most intense of the fighting finally lulled in the Riverlands he was betrothed and married to Zelah Zekkal to insure the loyalties of some of the tribal leaders of the Gold Plains that he, and House Kordev, descends from.   He has a commanding presence and carries himself with the utmost dignity, leading his citizenry as he did his soldiers on the battlefield. Despite his battle-hardened exterior, Solomon possesses a deep sense of honor and compassion. He has a paternal instinct towards his soldiers and is respected by his men for his fair and just leadership.   As the Marquess of Damarel, Solomon takes his responsibilities as a noble and protector of the region seriously. He upholds the traditions and values of his title, maintaining order and justice within his domain of the East Riverlands. He is known for his unwavering loyalty to the crown and his unwavering dedication to the defense of the region.   Solomon is a devout family man as well as a dedicated soldier. He and his court have been grooming his first-born son, Obadiah, for succession and the boy demonstrates his father's stalwart dedication to family, king, and kingdom. Although he does not fool himself that the loss of the boy's mother in 984 ATS does not have something to do with that, Solomon is thankful that the boy was already a man when she passed and that he took to his second wife, Akina and his half-siblings, whom Obadiah dotes on. It is something that has made the transition for everyone more bearable.   When not with his family or holding court, he will often be found in his study, surrounded by maps and military strategy books, tirelessly preparing for the next challenge that may arise, and if not there often overseeing the training yards. He is a disciplined and thoughtful leader, respected not only for his battlefield prowess but also for his wisdom and strategic insight.


Family Ties

Father to Obadiah, Kuri, Inari, Mai, and RyĆ« Kordev   Widower to Zelah Kordev   Husband to Akina Kordev

Religious Views

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Since marrying Akina and learning about her Kitsune heritage, Solomon has become a follower of the Kitsune deity, Iko, the Great Fox Spirit. He wears a small pendent of the face of Iko.


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Marquess of Damarel   Warden of the East Riverlands   Baron of the Gold Plains   The Winged Viper
Date of Birth
19th Day of Summer's Tide, 944 ATS
Year of Birth
944 ATS 56 Years old
Current Residence
Silverwing Tower
Short, Cropped Grey Hair and a Greying Beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown
190 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations