Thunder-Forge Clan

Centuries ago, in the heart of the western mountains directly overlooking the burning sands Gold Plains, the Thunder-Forge Clan was born. Renowned for their unparalleled skill in weapon and armor smithing, they forged a legacy that would endure for generations to come. Their unique forging technique, steeped in the thunderous power of the storms, set them apart from all other clans. The history of the Thunder-Forge Clan spans back near fourteen hundred years Before The Sundering, marked by triumphs, challenges, and the unyielding resolve of their people.   At the dawn of their existence, the Thunder-Forge Clan established the stronghold of Valdoram, deep within the heart of the western mountains of the Twin-tail Peaks. The city-stronghold became the center of their craft, a bastion of anvils and roaring forges. Within its stout walls, the clan honed their skills, perfecting their artistry in the creation of weapons and armor. The Thunder-Forge Clan's secret forging technique became their hallmark.   During the fiercest of storms, the dwarves open the domed ceiling of their sacred forge hall, the Storm Hall, a grand chamber at where the booming echoes of thunder shake the very foundations of the stronghold and lightning cracks down onto the magic anvils and hammers during the smithing process. Through the centuries Before and After The Sundering and through the Ages, the Thunder-Forge Clan became, were, and are still the favored smiths of kings and warriors alike. Their craftsmanship adorned the armies of future kings and hearoes alike, enhancing their might on the battlefield.   Legends speak of weapons and armor forged during the most historic and violent of storms, said to be infused with the very essence of storm’s wrath, some believe that they would grant their wielders with inhumane bursts of energy in combat. The clan's fame and prosperity attracted the envy and hostility of rival clans and malevolent forces. They faced countless threats and conflicts, defending their stronghold against invading orc hordes, sinister sorcerers, and even vengeful storm giants that coveted their relations to the sky. Yet, with each battle fought, the Thunder-Forge Clan emerged victorious, their weapons and armor standing as a testament to their indomitable spirit. Throughout the years, young dwarves would undergo rigorous training, learning the secrets of metalworking and the art of harnessing a storm's power. The passing of traditions from one generation to the next ensured the continuity of the clan's renowned craftsmanship.   But it was not just the forge that defined the Thunder-Forge Clan. They held a deep reverence for their ancestral heritage, with grand halls dedicated to their esteemed forefathers. The clan's leaders, known as Forge Lords, were chosen based on their lineage and mastery of the forge. Each Forge Lord brought their own unique talents of harnessing and understanding of when the greatest stroms were fit to forge in. The Thunder-Forge Clan's reputation extended beyond their stronghold's walls. They established trade routes with neighboring clans and kingdoms, exporting their masterfully crafted weapons and armor across the land. Warriors from far and wide sought their services, eager to wield a Thunder-Forge weapon or don Thunder-Forge armor, symbolizing their skill and prestige. In times of peace, the Thunder-Forge Clan sought to preserve their traditions and honor their ancestors. Festivals are held, celebrating their craft and paying homage to the gods Moradin and Marthammor Duin. The sound of hammers striking metal reverberate through the mountains, accompanied by jubilant songs and tales of heroic deeds.   However, as the centuries passed, the Thunder-Forge Clan's influence waned as the rise of man, the in-fighting amongst the many Clans and Families as well as the slow decay and loss of other Dwarven Strongholds and their populations; their craft and name still carries weight and inspiration for craftsmen and smiths, even though their numbers pale from their peaks and the protégés of their most famous craftsmen have ventured and settled far beyond Valdoram bringing the hallmark, but not the soul of the Storm Hall. There are tales of weapons and armor that eclipse past mere pieces of metal, touched by the gods themselves, stuff of rumor and folk-tale. Magically-imbued or not, the earliest pieces from the Storm Hall are fiercely protected by those whose families have been gifted them or those that were lost and found in the annals of the Clan’s history… and they are deeply coveted by those that have-not.

Sing Mighty Steel, Roar Great Storm

Founding Date
1372 BTS
Geopolitical, Clan
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations